Welcome to the CMS Hero Image project!
CMS hero image provide to add hero image to individual CMS page. Magento user can add the image using image uploader from the Content -> Pages -> Add/Edit page.
1.Clone the magento2 git repository and check out the 2.4-develop branch. You may also check out and use any 2.4 release tags.
git clone [email protected]:magento/magento2.git .
2.Create an ext directory in the root of the magento2 project directory:
cd magento2
mkdir ext
3.Clone the cms-hero-image repository into the appropriate directory inside ext:
git clone https://github.com/konarshankar07/magento2-cms-hero-image.git ext/shankar/cms-hero-image
4.Minimum-stability for packages is updated to dev value. This allows installation of development modules:
composer config minimum-stability dev
5.Next we configure Composer so that it knows where to find new modules. The following command will configure any extension code inside the ext directory to be treated as a package and symlinked to the vendor directory:
composer config repositories.ext path "./ext/*/*/*"
6.Finally, install the cms-hero-image metapackage:
composer require shankar/cms-hero-image
7.Ensure CMS Hero Image modules are enabled bin/magento module:status / bin/magento module:enable (https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/extension-dev-guide/build/enable-module.html).
8.Install/Upgrade the database
bin/magento setup:install
bin/magento setup:upgrade
At this point, all of the shankar/cms-hero-image modules are symlinked inside the vendor directory, which allows both running a Magento installation with additional modules as well as doing development using the standard git workflow.