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kolesarm committed Mar 13, 2024
1 parent 661fe6c commit a309e49
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: RDHonest
Title: Honest Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs
Version: 0.5.0
Version: 0.9.0
c(person(given = "Michal",
family = "Kolesár",
Expand All @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Authors@R:
email = "[email protected]"))
Description: Honest and nearly-optimal confidence intervals in fuzzy and sharp
regression discontinuity designs and for inference at a point based on local
linear regression.
linear regression. Supports covariates, clustering, and weighting.
Depends: R (>= 4.3.0)
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
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128 changes: 79 additions & 49 deletions R/RDHonest.R
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#' @param cutoff specifies the RD cutoff in the running variable. For inference
#' at a point, specifies the point \eqn{x_0} at which to calculate the
#' conditional mean.
#' @param kern specifies kernel function used in the local regression. It can
#' either be a string equal to \code{"triangular"} (\eqn{k(u)=(1-|u|)_{+}}),
#' \code{"epanechnikov"} (\eqn{k(u)=(3/4)(1-u^2)_{+}}), or \code{"uniform"}
#' (\eqn{k(u)= (|u|<1)/2}), or else a kernel function. If equal to
#' \code{"optimal"}, use the finite-sample optimal linear estimator under
#' Taylor smoothness class, instead of a local linear estimator.
#' @param se.method Vector with methods for estimating standard error of
#' estimate. If \code{NULL}, standard errors are not computed. The elements
#' of the vector can consist of the following methods:
#' @param kern specifies the kernel function used in the local regression. It
#' can either be a string equal to \code{"triangular"}
#' (\eqn{k(u)=(1-|u|)_{+}}), \code{"epanechnikov"}
#' (\eqn{k(u)=(3/4)(1-u^2)_{+}}), or \code{"uniform"} (\eqn{k(u)=
#' (|u|<1)/2}), or else a kernel function. If equal to \code{"optimal"}, use
#' the finite-sample optimal linear estimator under Taylor smoothness class,
#' instead of a local linear estimator.
#' @param se.method method for estimating standard error of the estimate, one
#' of:
#' \describe{
#' \item{"nn"}{Nearest neighbor method}
Expand All @@ -30,12 +30,13 @@
#' (local polynomial estimators only).}
#' \item{"supplied.var"}{Use conditional variance supplied by \code{sigmaY2}
#' instead of computing residuals}
#' instead of computing residuals. For fuzzy RD, \code{sigmaD2} and
#' \code{sigmaYD} also need to be supplied in this case.}
#' }
#' @param J Number of nearest neighbors, if "nn" is specified in
#' \code{se.method}.
#' @param opt.criterion Optimality criterion that bandwidth is designed to
#' @param J Number of nearest neighbors, if \code{se.method="nn"} is specified.
#' Otherwise ignored.
#' @param opt.criterion Optimality criterion that the bandwidth is designed to
#' optimize. The options are:
#' \describe{
Expand All @@ -51,66 +52,99 @@
#' }
#' The methods use conditional variance given by \code{sigmaY2}, if
#' supplied. Otherwise, for the purpose of estimating the optimal bandwidth,
#' conditional variance is estimated using the method specified by
#' \code{se.initial}.
#' supplied. For fuzzy RD, \code{sigmaD2} and \code{sigmaYD} also need to be
#' supplied in this case. Otherwise, the methods use preliminary variance
#' estimates based on assuming homoskedasticity on either side of the
#' cutoff.
#' @param beta Determines quantile of excess length to optimize, if bandwidth
#' optimizes given quantile of excess length of one-sided confidence
#' intervals; otherwise ignored.
#' intervals (\code{opt.criterion="OCI"}); otherwise ignored.
#' @param alpha determines confidence level, \code{1-alpha} for
#' constructing/optimizing confidence intervals.
#' @param M Bound on second derivative of the conditional mean function.
#' @param M Bound on second derivative of the conditional mean function, a
#' numeric vector of length one. For fuzzy RD, \code{M} needs to be a
#' numeric vector of length two, specifying the smoothness of the
#' conditional mean for the outcome and treatment, respectively.
#' @param sclass Smoothness class, either \code{"T"} for Taylor or \code{"H"}
#' for Hölder class.
#' @param h bandwidth, a scalar parameter. If not supplied, optimal bandwidth is
#' computed according to criterion given by \code{opt.criterion}.
#' @param weights Optional vector of weights to weight the observations (useful
#' for aggregated data). Disregarded if optimal kernel is used.
#' for aggregated data). The weights are intepreted as the number of
#' observations that each aggregated datapoint averages over. Disregarded if
#' optimal kernel is used.
#' @param point.inference Do inference at a point determined by \code{cutoff}
#' instead of RD.
#' @param T0 Initial estimate of the treatment effect for calculating the
#' optimal bandwidth. Only relevant for Fuzzy RD.
#' optimal bandwidth. Only relevant for fuzzy RD.
#' @param sigmaY2 Supply variance of outcome. Ignored when kernel is optimal.
#' @param sigmaD2 Supply variance of treatment (fuzzy RD only).
#' @param sigmaYD Supply covariance of treatment and outcome (fuzzy RD only).
#' @param clusterid Cluster id for cluster-robust standard errors
#' @param clusterid Vector specifying cluster membership. If supplied,
#' \code{se.method="EHW"} is required, and standard errors use
#' cluster-robust variance formulas.
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{"RDResults"}. The function
#' \code{print} can be used to obtain and print a summary of the results. An
#' object of class \code{"RDResults"} is a list containing the following
#' components
#' object of class \code{"RDResults"} is a list containing four components.
#' First, a data frame \code{"coefficients"} containing the following
#' columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{estimate}}{Point estimate. This estimate is MSE-optimal if
#' \code{opt.criterion="MSE"}}
#' \item{\code{term}}{type of parameter being estimated}
#' \item{\code{lff}}{Least favorable function, only relevant for optimal
#' estimator under Taylor class.}
#' \item{\code{estimate}}{point estimate}
#' \item{\code{maxbias}}{Maximum bias of \code{estimate}}
#' \item{\code{std.error}}{standard error of \code{estimate}}
#' \item{\code{sd}}{Standard deviation of estimate}
#' \item{\code{maximum.bias}}{maximum bias of \code{estimate}}
#' \item{\code{lower}, \code{upper}}{Lower (upper) end-point of a one-sided CI
#' based on \code{estimate}. This CI is optimal if
#' \code{opt.criterion=="OCI"}}
#' \item{\code{conf.low}, \code{conf.high}}{lower (upper) end-point of a
#' two-sided CI based on \code{estimate}}
#' \item{\code{hl}}{Half-length of a two-sided CI based on \code{estimate}, so
#' that the CI is given by \code{c(estimate-hl, estimate+hl)}. The
#' CI is optimal if \code{opt.criterion="FLCI"}}
#' \item{\code{conf.low.onesided}, \code{conf.high.onesided}}{lower (upper)
#' end-point of a one-sided CIs based on \code{estimate}}
#' \item{\code{eff.obs}}{Effective number of observations used by
#' \code{estimate}}
#' \item{\code{bandwidth}}{bandwidth used. If \code{kern="optimal"}, the
#' smoothing parameters \code{bandwidth.m} and \code{bandwidth.p} on
#' either side of the cutoff are reported intead}
#' \item{\code{h}}{Bandwidth used}
#' \item{\code{eff.obs}}{number of effective observations}
#' \item{\code{naive}}{Coverage of CI that ignores bias and uses
#' \code{qnorm(1-alpha/2)} as critical value}
#' \item{\code{leverage}}{maximal leverage of \code{estimate}}
#' \item{\code{call}}{the matched call}
#' \item{\code{cv}}{critical value used to compute two-sided CIs}
#' \item{\code{alpha}}{coverage level, as specified by option \code{alpha}}
#' \item{\code{method}}{\code{sclass} is used}
#' \item{\code{M}}{curvature bound used for worst-case bias
#' calculations. For fuzzy RD, equals
#' \code{(abs(estimate)*M.fs+M.rf)/first.stage}}
#' \item{\code{M.rf}, \code{M.fs}}{curvature bound for the outcome (i.e.
#' reduced-form) and first-stage regressions. Fuzzy RD only.}
#' \item{\code{first.stage}}{estimate of the first-stage coefficient.
#' Fuzzy RD only.}
#' \item{\code{kernel}}{kernel used}
#' \item{\code{p.value}}{p-value for testing the null of no effect}
#' }
#' Second, a list called \code{"data"} containing the data used for
#' estimation. This is useful mostly for internal calculations. Third, an
#' object of class \code{"lm"} containing the local linear regression
#' estimates. Finally, a \code{call} object containing the matched call
#' called \code{"call"}.
#' If \code{kern="optimal"}, the \code{"lm"} object is empty, and the
#' numeric vectors \code{"delta"} and \code{"omega"} are returned in
#' addition. These correspond to the parameters in the modulus problem used
#' to compute the optimal estimation weights.
#' \item{\code{fs}}{Estimate of the first-stage coefficient (sharp RD only)}
#' }
#' @references{
#' \cite{Timothy B. Armstrong and Michal Kolesár. Optimal inference in a class
Expand All @@ -121,10 +155,6 @@
#' intervals in nonparametric regression. Quantitative Economics, 11(1):1–39,
#' January 2020. \doi{10.3982/QE1199}}
#' \cite{Guido W. Imbens and Karthik Kalyanaraman. Optimal bandwidth choice for
#' the regression discontinuity estimator. The Review of Economic Studies,
#' 79(3):933–959, July 2012. \doi{10.1093/restud/rdr043}}
#' \cite{Michal Kolesár and Christoph Rothe. Inference in regression
#' discontinuity designs with a discrete running variable. American Economic
#' Review, 108(8):2277—-2304, August 2018. \doi{10.1257/aer.20160945}}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -348,7 +378,7 @@ print.RDResults <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) {
fmt <- function(x) format(x, digits=digits, width=digits+1)
y <- x$coefficients
cat("Inference for ", y$term, " (using ", y$method,
" class), confidence level ", 100*(1-y$alpha), "%:\n", sep="")
" class), confidence level ", 100 * (1-y$alpha), "%:\n", sep="")
nm <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "Maximum Bias")
colnames(y)[2:4] <- nm
y$"Confidence Interval" <- paste0("(", fmt(y$conf.low), ", ",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -377,7 +407,7 @@ print.RDResults <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) {
if (!is.null(y$bandwidth)) {
cat("\nBased on local regression with bandwidth: ", fmt(y$bandwidth),
", kernel: ", y$kernel, "\nRegression coefficients:\n", sep="")
print.default(format(coef(x$lm), digits = max(3L, digits - 3L)),
print.default(format(stats::coef(x$lm), digits = max(3L, digits - 3L)), = 2L, quote = FALSE)
} else {
cat("\nSmoothing parameters below and above cutoff: ",
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15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions R/RD_bme.R
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Expand Up @@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ RDlpformula <- function(order) {

#' Honest CIs in sharp RD with discrete regressors under BME function class
#' Computes honest CIs for local polynomial regression with uniform kernel under
#' the assumption that the conditional mean lies in the bounded misspecification
#' error (BME) class of functions, as considered in Kolesár and Rothe (2018).
#' This class formalizes the notion that the fit of the chosen model is no worse
#' at the cutoff than elsewhere in the estimation window.
#' Computes honest CIs for local polynomial regression with uniform kernel in
#' sharp RD under the assumption that the conditional mean lies in the bounded
#' misspecification error (BME) class of functions, as considered in Kolesár and
#' Rothe (2018). This class formalizes the notion that the fit of the chosen
#' model is no worse at the cutoff than elsewhere in the estimation window.
#' @template RDFormula
#' @template RDFormulaSimple
#' @param cutoff specifies the RD cutoff in the running variable.
#' @param h bandwidth, a scalar parameter.
#' @param alpha determines confidence level, \eqn{1-\alpha}{1-alpha}
Expand All @@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ RDlpformula <- function(order) {
#' \item{\code{"call"}}{The matched call.}
#' \item{\code{"lm"}}{An \code{"lm"} object containing the fitted
#' regression.}
#' \item{\code{"na.action"}}{(If relevant) information on the special
#' handling of \code{NA}s.}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/plots.R
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#' average.
#' @param cutoff specifies the RD cutoff for the running variable.
#' @template RDFormula
#' @template RDFormulaSimple
#' @param avg Number of observations to average over. If set to \code{Inf}, then
#' take averages for each possible value of the running variable (convenient
#' when the running variable is discrete).
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