diadog, your loyal file dialog companion. Binaries to open native file dialogs on multiple platforms.
diadog is a collection of pre-built binaries for the most common desktop platforms which enables you to open native file dialogs easily and in a standardized manner, and receive the paths selected by the user back as a string.
This toolkit supports multiple forms of file dialogs, namely:
- Selecting a single file
- Selecting multiple files
- Selecting folders
- Selecting an output file
All file-related actions can optionally be supplied with a set of allowed file extensions to restrict the user input.
diadog supports the following platforms:
- Windows x64
- Windows x32
- Linux x64 (with GTK)
- Linux x32 (with GTK)
- macOS x64
Support for more platforms is planned, specifically:
- macOS arm64
- Linux x64 (no GTK)
This is based on work done by nativefiledialog-extended and ships a slightly-modified version of its source to provide these binaries.
$ dopen single
> "/Users/test/Documents/file.pdf"
$ dopen many
> "/Users/test/Documents/file1.pdf"
> "/Users/test/Documents/file2.pdf"
> "/Users/test/Documents/file3.pdf"
$ dsave single
> "/Users/test/Documents/out.txt"
Usage is like:
dopen {SUBCMD} [subcommand-opts & args]
where subcommand syntaxes are as follows:
single [optional-params]
Select a single file.
-p=, --path= string "" The path to open by default.
--packages= strings {} The display name of a set of file types to match.
-f=, --filters= strings {} The file types to match, in the order of the specified packages.
many [optional-params]
Select one or more files.
-p=, --path= string "" The path to open by default.
--packages= strings {} The display name of a set of file types to match.
-f=, --filters= strings {} The file types to match, in the order of the specified packages.
folder [optional-params]
Select a folder.
-p=, --path= string "" The path to open by default.
Usage is like:
dsave {SUBCMD} [subcommand-opts & args]
where subcommand syntaxes are as follows:
single [optional-params]
Save to a single file.
-n=, --name= string "" The name to use by default.
-p=, --path= string "" The path to open by default.
--packages= strings {} The display name of a set of file types to match.
-f=, --filters= strings {} The file types to match, in the order of the specified packages.
When supplying multiple filters, the first one will be used as the default file extension. For example, if you supply filters for two distinct packages for ZIP's and JPG's, in that order, the default file extension will be .zip
dopen single --path="/Users/test/Documents"
dopen single --pack="Image" --filter="jpg,jpeg"
dopen single --pack="Image" --filter="jpg,jpeg" --pack="Archices" --filter="zip,tar,gz,rar"
dsave single --path="/Users/test/Documents"
dsave single --pack="Image" --filter="jpg,jpeg"
dsave single --pack="Image" --filter="jpg,jpeg" --pack="Archices" --filter="zip,tar,gz,rar"
from subprocess import run
path = run(["./dopen", "single"], capture_output=True).stdout.decode().strip()
paths = run(["./dopen", "many"], capture_output=True).stdout.decode().split()
Building diadog
Ensure that libgtk-3-dev
is installed.
nimble build_linux_amd64
nimble build_linux_i386
The recommended way is to cross-compile from Linux via MingW. No extra dependencies are required.
nimble build_windows_amd64
nimble build_windows_i386
No extra dependencies are required.
nimble build_macos_amd64