A class helper for ZMemTable (a component in zeoslib)
It contains some of the methods which I wrote for my personal project. Tested on Lazarus 2.0.12.
procedure SaveToBlob(BField: TBlobField); // Save zMemTable (memory stream) to a BlobField
procedure LoadFromBlob(BField: TBlobField); // Load zMemTable from a BlobField
procedure SaveToFile(Filename: TFilename; zip: Boolean =True); // Save zMemTable (memory stream) to a file // the stream are compressed using zstream if zip=True
procedure LoadFromFile(Filename: TFilename); // Load zMemTable from a File. This method is able to recognise both the compressed and // uncompressed file by checking the first 2 bytes of the zstream
procedure CopyStru(src: TDataSet; xcFields: array of integer; DeleteOldfields: Boolean=True);
// Copy the field definition of another dataset (src).
// xcfields - array of field number for which the fieldDef that should not be copied
// DeleteOldfield - To delete all the existing field of destination zMemTable
procedure CopyStru(src: TDataSet; DeleteOldfields: Boolean=True); overload // This is an overload method for the case where all fieldDef of the source dataset are to be copied
procedure SetDecPlace(ftype: TFieldType; dec: byte); // Set the displayformat of all ftype fields to #,### with specified decimal places (dec)