Install and configure The Foreman or Red Hat Satellite 6.
This role is designed to install The Foreman, or Red Hat Satellite 6 with an extremely basic configuration.
The intent is to have this role be compatible with either The Foreman, or Satellite 6. Installing both in a way that they should function the same. This role will not do any configuration of either application beyond the initial setup of an Organization with DNS and DHCP. This should place the application in a state that is almost ready to start provisioning hosts.
To utilise this role to install Red Hat Satellite 6, you will need the required subscriptions for RHEL and Satellite 6.
To utilise this role for either The Foreman or Satellite 6, you will need to ensure the Foreman Ansible Modules are present and usable by Ansible. This will only be required until these modules are pushed into mainline Ansible.
Modules used:
Install from Ansible Galaxy
ansible-galaxy install kirikae.install_foreman
Install from GitHub
git clone kirikae.install_foreman
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Variable | Default | Comments (type) |
install_foreman_manifest |
false |
Key and default value. |
key |
value |
Key and default value. |
Running Ansible Roles can be done in a playbook.
- hosts: all
- role: kirikae.install_foreman
- hosts: all
- role: kirikae.install_foreman
variable: value
- foo
- bar
Ansible specific testing is done with Molecule.
If you would like to contribute to further development of this role, Thanks!
Submit some Bugs, Feature Requests, Suggestions Submit a Pull Requests
All modules and module_utils provided by the Foreman Ansible Modules are licensed under GPL-3.0 these are distributed here as dependencies of the role to allow ease of use. All of these modules can be found in the library and the module_utils directories.
- Kirikae [email protected]