A movie ticketing website with NodeJS, Gulp, Handlebars, Express and MongoDB,
- Live server, hot reload browser
- Minimize CSS, JS supported.
- Autoprefixer CSS
- Prettier for JS.
- Linter for JS, SCSS and Commit.
- Lint-staged for optimize linter process.
- Husky for pre-commit check (run all linter in lint-staged).
- Babel compile for new ES
- CI/CD with Github Actions
- Responsive design.
- Security sign in / sign out with Passport / Session / JWT / Bcrypt / Google reCaptcha v2
- Auto send mail for register / reset passport process (with Nodemailer / Google SMTP / JWT)
- Image server on SM.MS for flexibility (also support Drag & Drop and Preview Image)
- Beautiful alert with Sweet Alert
- Admin dashboard with ChartJS
Install Node & Yarn (latest verson), then enter in command line:
$ git clone https://github.com/HBTghost/FanCine.git && cd FanCine
Install dependencies:
$ yarn
Start the server:
$ yarn dev
App will opened automatically at: http://localhost:6969
In folder FanCine, we pull newest commit from remote with:
$ git pull
Then, reinstall dependencies and start the server:
$ yarn
$ yarn dev
If yarn
frozen then run npm install
instead, then remove package-lock.json file
The current lead maintainer is Ngô Thanh Phương Thái