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How to use

AliHichem edited this page Apr 1, 2012 · 1 revision

Assuming for example that you need a grid in your "index" action, create in your controller method as below:

 * set datatable configs
 * @return \Ali\DatatableBundle\Util\Datatable
private function _datatable()
    return $this->get('datatable')
                ->setEntity("XXXMyBundle:Entity", "x")                          // replace "XXXMyBundle:Entity" by your entity
                            "Name"          => '',                        // Declaration for fields: 
                            "Adress"        => 'x.adress',                      //      "label" => "alias.field_attribute_for_dql"
                            "_identifier_"  => '')                          // you have to put the identifier field without label. Do not replace the "_identifier_"
                ->setWhere(                                                     // set your dql where statement
                     'x.adress = :adress',
                     array('adress' => 'Paris') 
                ->setOrder("x.created", "desc")                                 // it's also possible to set the default order
                ->setHasAction(true);                                           // you can disable action column from here by setting "false".

 * Grid action
 * @return Response
public function gridAction()
    return $this->_datatable()->execute();                                      // call the "execute" method in your grid action

 * Lists all entities.
 * @return Response
public function indexAction()
    $this->_datatable();                                                        // call the datatable config initializer
    return $this->render('XXXMyBundle:Module:index.html.twig');                 // replace "XXXMyBundle:Module:index.html.twig" by yours