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feat: design and implement crowdfunding smart contract
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khayss committed Aug 24, 2024
1 parent e91bd85 commit 0d5a2b9
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Showing 3 changed files with 220 additions and 0 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions script/Crowdfund.s.sol
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;

import {Crowdfund} from "../src/Crowdfund.sol";
import {Script, console} from "forge-std/Script.sol";

contract CrowdfundDeploy is Script {
function run() external returns (Crowdfund) {

Crowdfund crowdfund = new Crowdfund();


return crowdfund;
159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions src/Crowdfund.sol
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@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;

/// @title Crowdfund
/// @notice A crowd funding smart contract that allows users to create and participate in crowdfunding campaigns.
contract Crowdfund {
// Types

struct Campaign {
bool isInitialized;
bool isPaidOut;
string title;
string description;
address benefactor;
uint goal;
uint deadline;
uint amountRaised;

// State variables
mapping(uint => Campaign) campaigns;
mapping(address => uint[]) userCampaigns;
uint numCampaigns;
uint totalFunding;

// Events
event CampaignCreated(address indexed creator, uint indexed campaignId);
event CampaignEnded(
address indexed creator,
uint indexed campaignId,
uint indexed amountRaised
event DonationReceived(
uint indexed campaignId,
address indexed donator,
uint indexed amount

// Errors
error Crowdfund_InvalidCampaign(uint id);
error Crowdfund_CannotDonateZero();
error Crowdfund_CampaignInactive();
error Crowdfund_CampaignNotEnded(uint deadline);
error Crowdfund_NoFundsRaised();
error Crowdfund_PayoutFailed();

// Modifiers

// Functions

constructor() {}

/// @notice Creates a new crowdfunding campaign.
/// @param _title The title of the campaign.
/// @param _description The description of the campaign.
/// @param _goal The funding goal of the campaign.
/// @param _deadline The deadline for the campaign.
/// @return campaignId The ID of the created campaign.
function createCampaign(
string calldata _title,
string calldata _description,
uint _goal,
uint _deadline
) public returns (uint campaignId) {
Campaign memory newCampaign = Campaign({
isInitialized: true,
isPaidOut: false,
title: _title,
description: _description,
benefactor: msg.sender,
goal: _goal,
deadline: block.timestamp + _deadline,
amountRaised: 0

campaignId = numCampaigns;
uint[] storage _userCampaigns = userCampaigns[msg.sender];

numCampaigns += 1;

campaigns[campaignId] = newCampaign;

emit CampaignCreated(msg.sender, campaignId);

/// @notice Allows a user to donate to a specific campaign.
/// @param campaignId The ID of the campaign to donate to.
function donateToCampaign(uint campaignId) public payable {
if (msg.value == 0) revert Crowdfund_CannotDonateZero();
Campaign storage campaign = campaigns[campaignId];
if (!campaign.isInitialized)
revert Crowdfund_InvalidCampaign(campaignId);
if (block.timestamp > campaign.deadline)
revert Crowdfund_CampaignInactive();

totalFunding += msg.value;
campaign.amountRaised += msg.value;

emit DonationReceived(campaignId, msg.sender, msg.value);

/// @notice Ends a specific campaign and pays out the funds to the benefactor.
/// @param campaignId The ID of the campaign to end.
function endCampaign(uint campaignId) external {
Campaign storage campaign = campaigns[campaignId];
if (block.timestamp < campaign.deadline)
revert Crowdfund_CampaignNotEnded(campaign.deadline);

if (campaign.isPaidOut) revert Crowdfund_CampaignInactive();

if (campaign.amountRaised == 0) revert Crowdfund_NoFundsRaised();

campaign.isPaidOut = true;
totalFunding -= campaign.amountRaised;

(bool success, ) = payable(campaign.benefactor).call{
value: campaign.amountRaised

if (!success) revert Crowdfund_PayoutFailed();

emit CampaignEnded(

/// @notice Gets the total number of campaigns.
/// @return The total number of campaigns.
function getTotalCampaigns() external view returns (uint) {
return numCampaigns;

/// @notice Gets the total funding amount.
/// @return The total funding amount.
function getTotalFunding() external view returns (uint) {
return totalFunding;

/// @notice Gets the campaigns created by a specific user.
/// @param user The address of the user.
/// @return The array of campaign IDs created by the user.
function getUserCampaigns(
address user
) external view returns (uint[] memory) {
return userCampaigns[user];

/// @notice Gets the campaign details by ID.
/// @param campaignId The ID of the campaign.
/// @return The campaign details.
function getCampaignById(
uint campaignId
) external view returns (Campaign memory) {
return campaigns[campaignId];
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions test/Crowdfund.t.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;

import {Crowdfund} from "../src/Crowdfund.sol";
import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract CrowdfundTest is Test {
Crowdfund public crowdfund;
address fakeUser = vm.addr(1);

function setUp() public {
crowdfund = new Crowdfund();

function test_IsInitializedCorrectly() public view {
assertEq(crowdfund.getTotalCampaigns(), 0);
assertEq(crowdfund.getTotalFunding(), 0);
assertEq(crowdfund.getUserCampaigns(fakeUser).length, 0);

function test_CanCreateCampaign() public {, 1 ether);

string memory title = "Test Campaign";
string memory description = "This is a test campaign.";
uint goal = 1 ether;
uint deadline = 1 minutes;

uint campaignId = crowdfund.createCampaign(

assertEq(campaignId, 0);
assertEq(crowdfund.getTotalCampaigns(), 1);
assertEq(crowdfund.getTotalFunding(), 0);
// assertEq(crowdfund.getUserCampaigns(fakeUser).length, 1);
// console.log(crowdfund.getUserCampaigns(fakeUser));

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