When you're thinking of a Ben Folds or Ben Folds Five song but can't remember which album it is from, enter the song title to find the corresponding album information from the Ben Folds Songs API!
Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, EJS, Express, MongoDB
This project started in two phases: one for the client-side code and another for the back end code. I developed the front end site with an input and various nodes in the DOM for information to be updated. Through the course of development, I started developing the API using album information and album images linked from Wikipedia. The back end part of the project included several parts including eventual API integration to MongoDB, development with Node and Express, and eventual deployment of the app to Heroku.
Future iterations might include auto complete searching, searching with partial song names, and searching by album. Also using a framework in the future could help improve the overall app design and layout.
Initially the API data was hardcoded within the app, but I later migrated it to MongoDB which greatly increased the speed of data retrieval and size of my code files.
I learned about API creation and optimization, MongoDB integration, and Heroku deployment. This full stack project helped connect so many dots about front end and back end and how they can be separate and still merge together.
Theory Revolution
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