This program takes an input image and splits it into a grid of N cells. Each cell is output as its own image. A reference image is with the grid overlay is also produced. Cells are named by row and column as well as x and y position.
First, store an image in a directory under collaborart/ like this:
- collaborart/obama.jpg
Then, navigate to the collaborart folder, and run the python file with the filename and minimum number of desired cells.
$ cd collaborart
$ python obama/obama.jpg 40
This results in a new folder: 'obama_040' that contains the reference grid and a new image for each cell.
- collaborart/obama_040/obama_040_grid.jpg
- collaborart/obama_040/obama_040_x0-y0.jpg . . .
- collaborart/obama_040/obama_040_x644-y460.jpg