Simple Java app that queries
to get a random quote and author.
Takes in a command line argument that can be either "English" or "Russian" to choose the language of the quote.
If no argument is passed or an invalid String
is given, it defaults to "English"
Project requires Maven and Java 21 to be installed. To run, it may be easier to use an IDE and import repo as a
Maven project. The main
method is in org.example.Quotely
file is configured to package all dependencies into 1 jar.
So it may be possible to run from command line with:
mvn package -f pom.xml
cd target
java -jar Quotely-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Optional params can go at the end e.g.
java -jar Quotely-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar Russian