This repo contains a CloudFormation template that spins up a "Hello, Stelligent!" sample application.
To run this, you'll need the AWS CLI tools installed and configured. Once that's done, run this command:
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name HelloStelligent-`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` --template-body "`cat hellostelligent.template`" --disable-rollback --output json --timeout-in-minutes 60 --region eu-west-1
(The region part is important, since Elastic Beanstalk only looks in buckets in the same region, apparently? The application code is stored in EU-West-1.)
(Also, leave the stack name as-is, the test looks up the CloudFormation stack via the name.)
To run the tests, you need to have Ruby and the AWS SDK Core Gem installed. Instructions for installing Ruby are here. Once that is done, to install the AWS SDK Core Gem, punch in
gem install aws-sdk-core --pre
You'll also need to export your AWS access credentials to environment variables so the SDK can find them. (You can find these on the IAM control panel)
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=youraccesskey
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=yoursecretkey
(If you're running Windows, savings vars is handled a little differently.)
Once the CloudFormation stack is complete, you can go to the Elastic Beanstalk console and select the "Hello Stelligent" application. At the top of the page it will list a URL that will take you to the "Hello, Stelligent" page.
Once that's done, just run the test script with ruby:
ruby test_environment.rb
If anything goes wrong it'll spit out a stack trace, and if everything works it'll print out OK.
Once you're done looking at the stack and running tests, you can delete the stack from the AWS CloudFormation console. The name of the stack will start with "HelloStelligent" follow by a timestamp.