This Cocoapod provides a TextView that automatically generates text tags based on NSAttributedString attributes and allows the user to 'Jump Scroll' through the tags by holding the side of the screen and scrolling. This pod is project with textviews that contain large amount of text.
Any NSAttributedStringKey can be used to create text tags:
attributeName: NSAttributedStringKey.font,
attributeValue: UIFont(name: "Times New Roman", size: 43.0)!
attributeName: NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor,
attributeValue: UIColor(
red: 217/255.0,
green: 80/255.0,
blue: 0/255.0,
alpha: 1.0
attributeName: NSAttributedStringKey.underlineStyle,
attributeValue: NSUnderlineStyle.styleSingle.rawValue
JSTextView also includes many customizable features
Set custom screen percentage for the jump scroll to be active in:
textView.jumpPressEdgePercentage = 0.2
Set the distance of the text of the jumped label from the top of the screen:
textView.jumpTextDistanceFromTop = 40.0
Set the distance text of the jump label from the edge of the screen
textView.labelTextDistanceFromEdge = 100.0
Set the color of the jump label text
textView.jumpLabelTextColor =
Set the size of the jump label font
textView.jumpLabelFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 30.0)
Set the side which the jump label is presented and triggered
textView.jumpPressEdgeSide = .right
Set the color of the jump label
textView.jumpLabelColor =
Hide/show the scroll indicator while the user is jumping
textView.showsIndicatorOnJump = false
Change the amount of time the user needs to hold on the edge of the screen to present the jump label
textView.jumpLabelPresentDuration = 0.1
To install simply include pod 'JSTextView' in your podfile and run pod install.