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The ICC Service is part of the OpenSlides environment. Clients can connect to it and communicate with eachother.

IMPORTANT: The data are sent via an open http-connection. All browsers limit the amount of open http1.1 connections to a domain. For this service to work, the browser has to connect to the service with http2 and therefore needs https.


The service needs some secrets to run. You can create them with:

mkdir secrets
printf "password" > secrets/postgres_password
printf "my_token_key" > secrets/auth_token_key 
printf "my_cookie_key" > secrets/auth_cookie_key

It also needs a running postgres and redis instance. You can start one with:

docker run  --network host -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_USER=openslides -e POSTGRES_DB=openslides postgres:11


docker run --network host redis

With Golang

export SECRETS_PATH=secrets
go build ./cmd/icc

With Docker

The docker build uses the auth token. Either configure it to use the fake services (see environment variables below) or make sure the service inside the docker container can connect to redis and postgres. For example with the docker argument --network host. The auth-secrets have to given as a file.

docker build . --tag openslides-icc
printf "my_token_key" > auth_token_key 
printf "my_cookie_key" > auth_cookie_key
docker run --network host -v $PWD/auth_token_key:/run/secrets/auth_token_key -v $PWD/auth_cookie_key:/run/secrets/auth_cookie_key openslides-icc

With Auto Restart

To restart the service when ever a source file has shanged, the tool CompileDaemon can help.

go install
CompileDaemon -log-prefix=false -build "go build" -command "./openslides-icc-service"

The make target build-dev creates a docker image that uses this tool. The environment varialbe OPENSLIDES_DEVELOPMENT is used to use default auth keys.

make build-dev
docker run --network host --env OPENSLIDES_DEVELOPMENT=true openslides-icc-dev


With Golang

go test ./...


Curl needs the flag -N / --no-buffer or it can happen, that the output is not printed immediately.


To listen to messages, you can use this command:

curl -N localhot:9007/system/icc/notify?meeting_id=5

The meeting_id query argument is optional.

The output has the json lines format.

The first line returns an individual channel-id. It has to be used later so publish messages:

{"channel_id": "QRboMVjb:1:0"}

Each other other line is one notify message. It has the following format:

{"sender_user_id":1,"sender_channel_id":"8NWRQy18:1:0","name":"my message title","message":"my message"}

To publish a message, you can use the following request:

curl localhost:9007/system/icc/notify/publish -d '{
  "channel_id": "STRING_SEE_ABOVE",
  "to_meeting": 5,
  "to_users": [3,4],
  "to_channels": "some:valid:channel_id",
  "name": "my message title",
  "message": {"any":"valid","json":"data"}

The example message would be received by all users that are in meeting 5, and to all connections of the user 3 and 4 and the connection with the channel id "some:valid:channel_id".

Only one of the to_* fields is required. All other fields are required.


The applause service needs a running datastore-reader. For testing, you can use the fake datastore from the autoupdate-service repo.

To listen to messages, you can use this command:

curl -N localhost:9007/system/icc/applause?meeting_id=1

The meeting_id argument is required.

The returned messages have the format:


To send applause, use:

curl localhost:9007/system/icc/applause/send?meeting_id=1

The argument meeting_id is required.


The service is configurated with environment variables. See all environment varialbes.


Inter-Client-Communication service for OpenSlides 4+







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  • Go 98.5%
  • Dockerfile 1.4%
  • Makefile 0.1%