Contract Configurator 0.8.0 (1.0.0 RC1)
- Support for KSP 1.0
- Deprecated parameters removed from stock (some will get replacements in a future version of Contract Configurator).
- AltitudeRecord
- LaunchVessel
- Added new AtLeast and AtMost set parameters.
- Added new None set parameter.
- Improve validation rules for unknown attributes/child nodes (helps modders track down issues more easily).
- Fix issue when reloading contracts within a hierarchy of contract groups.
- Fix issue when loading a save game with RemoteTech when a previously installed planet pack is uninstalled (thanks Svm420 and magico13).
- Pop up a warning dialog when a ScenarioModule fails to load (and prevent other ScenarioModules from also failing).
- Improve error messaging when failing on loading types from assemblies (thanks Vladthemad).
- Fix default value of index for VisitWaypoint parameter (thanks AlphaAsh).
- Various fixes related to KSP 1.0.