Sections: Talk Videos+ | Lecture Notes/Materials | Resources | Codes/Tools | Online Books | Papers+ | Personal Sites | Other |
New: Search for links to all Cosmology Data cataloged on this site - talks/lectures, papers-talks cross-ref, slides, resource materials
This page last updated 07-Jan-2025
Talk videos/slides from conferences, seminars, workshops, colloquia, summer schools, uni courses, etc ^
Database of links to ~8,100 cosmology research/academic talks from ~210 sources | GitHub repo | blog post |
Searchable cross-reference of Cosmology Papers with Researcher Talks
List of all talk host sites in the talks database | Topics groupings |
Database of ~3,800 slides from cosmology research/academic talks, typically where recordings are unavailable
Search for links to all Cosmology Data cataloged on this site - talks/lectures, papers-talks cross-ref, slides, resource materials
Some sites that list upcoming or past cosmology conferences, seminars, etc:
A large collection of astrophysics talks compiled by David Hendriks
Lecture Notes and Course Materials ^
Note: also see separate Online Books section
Alan Guth - 2022 MIT Early Universe undergrad course, with slides, problem sets, and quizzes. | 23 lecture videos from the 2013 course | Lecture notes from the 2018 course are publicly available. This course is available through MIT Open Courseware, though it's the 2013 course. For a graduate level version of the MIT OCW cosmology course, taught by Edmund Bertschinger, see this (unfortunately, it's from 2001).
Amsterdam Cosmology Group master's level course - Lecture notes and materials
Andrew Jaffe - Cosmology Lecture Notes
Anne Green - Dark Matter lecture notes from ‘Les Houches Summer School 2021: Dark Matter’ | Anne's recorded DM lectures from this school | UK research groups with people working on Cosmology |
Anson Hook - TASI Lectures on the Strong CP Problem and Axions [1812.02669] | lecture recordings |
Anthony Challinor - Large-scale structure formation lecture notes
Anthony Challinor and Hiranya Peiris - Lecture notes on the physics of cosmic microwave background anisotropies [0903.5158]
Antonio Riotto - Inflation and the Theory of Cosmological Perturbations (2018) | 5 lecture series (2018): Inflation and Cosmological Perturbations |
Antony Lewis - Graduate level Cosmology course lecture notes, problem sets, exams | Undergrad Cosmology course notes |
Bayesian Data Analysis - Course materials | github | tweet |
Ben Safdi - [2303.02169] TASI 2022 Lectures on the Particle Physics and Astrophysics of Dark Matter | recorded lectures |
Classical and quantum cosmology lectures, from Corfu Summer Institute: 2202.13875 | Lectures recording 1 | Recording 2 |
Cliff Burgess - Course materials, incl PDFs of his books, etc | Course pages | Courses and lectures at Perimeter Institute | Interview: Lessons on and from Quantum Gravity |
Cole Miller - Cosmology course (2007), lecture notes and problem sets
Daniel Baumann - His LeCosPA website with selected talks and lecture notes | UvA web page |
- TASI Lectures on Primordial Cosmology [1807.03098] | lecture recordings |
- TASI Lectures on Inflation [0907.5424] | lecture recordings |
- Advanced Cosmology: lecture notes, problem sets, and solutions
- UvA master's level cosmology lecture notes | Cosmology lecture notes |
- Physics of the Cosmic Microwave Background
- Color figures and other materials from Daniel's textbook
| Book's website | - Notes on historical papers of importance to the field of Cosmology
- Talk slides on slideshare
- Introduction to Cosmology (2024 and 2022 CERN Summer Student Programme series, 3 lecture recordings with slides each year)
- General Relativity course lecture notes (167 pages, his final notes as he is no longer teaching this course) | The Physics of Inflation |
- Lecture notes on "Cosmological Correlations" written together with Austin Joyce | Lecture recording on this at the Kavli Asian Winter School, Jan 2023 | lecture slides |
- [2203.08121] Snowmass White Paper: The Cosmological Bootstrap, Baumann+
- Recorded lectures/talks
Daniel Green - TASI Lectures on Cosmic Signals of Fundamental Physics [2212.08685] | recorded lectures | paper threads |
David Cerdeño - Astroparticle physics course: lecture notes, exercises, course site with slides
Dan Hooper - TASI Lectures on Indirect Searches For Dark Matter [1812.02029]
David Tong+ - Cosmology lectures and problem sheets | Particle World Summer Lectures at CERN, video + slides |
David Wands - The Early Universe | [1504.06335] Physics of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, by Wands et al |
Djuna Croon - Baryogenesis, Gravitational Waves, and Phase Transitions, TASI 2022: 2307.00068, lecture notes at TASI site |
Eiichiro Komatsu - Lecture materials
Enrico Pajer - Cosmology, Field Theory in Cosmology, and Soft Theorems in Cosmology
Eugene Lim - Advanced Cosmology : Primordial non-Gaussianities | KCL page with additional materials |
Eva Silverstein - TASI lectures on cosmological observables and string theory [1606.03640]
Florian Niedermann - Introduction to Cosmology: problems sheet and solutions
Frank Wilczek - Particle Physics of the Early Universe, a 2004 MIT Open Courseware offering. Lecture notes and problem sets are available online.
Frederic P. Schuller - Lecture notes on general relativity, based on his course | recorded lectures |
George Djorgovski - Caltech Galaxies and Cosmology course page, Winter 2022, lecture videos, slides, notes, references
George Efstathiou - Particle Astrophysics: 16 lecture course including problem sets
Gianluca Calcagni - [2202.13875] Lectures on classical and quantum cosmology | recordings: lecture 1, lecture 2 |
Hannu Kurki-Suonio lecture notes: Cosmology I/II, Cosmological Perturbation Theory I/II, Galaxy Survey Cosmology
Hans Winther - Theoretical Cosmology lecture notes | Cosmology II course, U of Oslo |
ICG Portsmouth - Theoretical Cosmology lecture notes
James Bjorken - Physics Notes, some cosmology-related materials, especially on dark energy.
Jens Chluba - Future Steps in Cosmology using Spectral Distortions of the Cosmic Microwave Background [1806.02915] | recorded talks | Recombination readings, exercises and solutions |
Jim Cline - TASI Lectures on Early Universe Cosmology: Inflation, Baryogenesis and Dark Matter [1807.08749], updated 2021-08-02 | recorded lectures |
Jo Dunkley - Cosmology lecture notes | AIP Oral History interview |
Joe Zuntz - Jupyter notebooks with exercises on essential cosmology software, from the Michigan Cosmology Summer School 2020
John Peacock - Notes for his MPhys Advanced Cosmology course | Problem sets, exam papers, etc | Astrophysical Cosmology | Big-Bang Cosmology, with Keith Olive |
Jon Gudmundsson - cosmology lecture notes, exams and solutions, PDF versions and LaTeX versions | Jupyter notebooks from the CMB Analysis Summer School 2015 |
Josè Luis Bernal, Sarah Libanore: Cosmic Tensions lecture notes from March 2023 GGI program | recordings |
Julien Lesgourgues - TASI Lectures on Cosmological Perturbations [1302.4640] | Cosmology lecture notes for his Master's level course, dated 2023-06-29, 139 pages |
Kendrick Smith - Observational Cosmology, 128 pages of lecture notes from TRISEP 2018
Kevin Zhou - Cosmology lecture notes
Kevork Abazajian - Neutrinos in Astrophysics and Cosmology: TASI 2020 Lectures [2102.10183]
Licia Verde - papers on statistical methods in cosmology: 0911.3105, 0712.3026 and recorded lectures
Luca Amendola - Cosmology lecture notes, dated 31-Jan-2023 | Advanced Cosmology lecture notes, dated 25-Jul-2023
M. Sten Delos - The physical bases for the structures of collisionless dark matter halos
Mariangela Lisanti - TASI Lectures on Dark Matter Physics [1603.03797]
Mark Hindmarsh+ - Phase transitions in the early universe [2008.09136] | recorded talk |
Mark Trodden and Sean Carroll - TASI Lectures: Introduction to Cosmology (2004)
Matteo Maturi - Video playlists of his courses at Heidelberg U. in Advanced Cosmology, Cosmology, General Relativity, and Theoretical Astrophysics. More info.
Matthias Blau - General Relativity lecture notes, updated Nov. 2022
Mehrdad Mirbabayi - Lecture notes for ICTP GR-I/II, EFT of LSS, and Inflation courses
Moritz Munchmeyer - Lecture notes on Computational Cosmology | Lecture slides from Machine Learning in Physics course |
Mustafa Amin - Dark Matter lecture notes for the July 2023 Giambiagi Summer School for Cosmology
Oliver F. Piattella - Lecture Notes in Cosmology [1803.00070], 377 page book on the arXiv and published by Springer in 2018; errata
Oliver Philcox - An Introduction to the EFTofLSS | talk slides on the EFTofLSS |
Rachel Bean - TASI Lectures on Cosmic Acceleration [1003.4468]
Raphael Flauger - Lectures on Theoretical Cosmology, from TRISEP 2018: Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3
Richard Mushotzky - Astrophysics course materials, University of Maryland
Sean M. Carroll - Lecture Notes on General Relativity | A No-Nonsense Intro to GR |
Sean McGee - Observational Cosmology course materials
Subir Sarkar - Astroparticle physics course materials, University of Oxford
Tessa Baker - Lecture notes on weak lensing | recorded talks |
Tirthankar Roy - Cosmology, IUCAA - NCRA Graduate School, April 2021 course, 21 lectures with videos and slides
Tom Theuns - Physical Cosmology (81-page PDF file)
Tonale Winter School on Cosmology, Lecture Notes - 2022 | 2021 | 2019 |
Tongyan Lin - TASI lectures on dark matter models and direct detection [1904.07915]
Tracy Slatyer - TASI Lectures on Indirect Detection of Dark Matter [1710.05137]
University of Oslo - Cosmology II lecture notes, problem sets, lecture videos | [astro-ph/0606683] How to calculate the CMB spectrum |
Wayne Hu - Lecture Notes on CMB Theory: From Nucleosynthesis to Recombination | Covariant Linear Perturbation Formalism | A CMB Polarization Primer | Tutorials, courses, codes, etc |
Will Kinney - TASI Lectures on Inflation [0902.1529] | lectures/talks on inflation |
Resource Materials and Sites ^
Dynamics of the Universe in Problems: over 2,000 problems and solutions
All astrophysical and cosmology coverage in the Review of Particle Physics (2024)
The Cosmological Parameters (2024) | earlier version 2201.08666: from the Particle Data Book |
CMB Power Spectrum Analyzer | docs]( | Other NASA LAMBDA educational tools |
CMB Summer School (from The McMahon Cosmology Lab at U of Chicago)
Machine Learning in Cosmology, a comprehensive list of published machine learning applications to cosmology, organized by subject matter and arxiv posting date. Created by George Stein, ML Scientist at UC Berkeley and LBNL
Redshift Lookup Table - paper and pencil cosmology calculator, updated for Planck18 | Source paper | APOD version |
A Cosmology Workbook, by Lloyd Knox at UC Davis, which he uses in his undergrad cosmology course for physics majors
arXiv-Vanity: renders academic papers from arXiv as responsive web pages
Get your application for an academic position noticed, by Miguel Zumalacarregui
- Astronomy and Astrophysics research
AstroBetter: This blog is "intended for professional provide information and tips"
Astronomy Paper Seminar Participation Guide & Reading Walkthrough [2006.12566]
Codes and Tools ^
HEP-ASTRO-COSMO: a community effort github repo to collect open source packages/libraries/tools in one place for these fields
NASA's LAMBDA-Tools: lists of CMB and other tools for cosmology, astrophysics, and astronomy
CosmΩracle: a web app that calculates and plots distances in cosmology
Colossus Cosmology Calculator is now a web app that was introduced on 12-Mar-2024 by Benedikt Diemer. It is based on the earlier Python tookkit: Colossus astrophysics/cosmology python toolkit | Documentation | Benedikt Diemer 1712.04512 paper | Notes about Colossus |
Wikipedia List of Computational Cosmology Software | Astrobites Guide to Astrophysics Software |
Cosmologists using the Julia programming language:
- Eiichiro Komatsu: github repos
- Marco Bonici: CosmoCentral.jl
- Marius Millea: CMBLensing.jl
- Robert Rosati: Inflation.jl and talk Simulating the Early Universe with Inflation.jl
Codes in Cosmology: python code and Jupyter notebooks useful in studying cosmology, by Dhiraj Kumar Hazra | tweeted info |
Python Resources: Astronomy, Scientific Plotting, and Data Analysis (at the NRAO wiki)
comparxiv python module: with one commmand, creates PDF diff of two versions of an arXiv paper; by Timon Emken
Cosmology calculators and plot generators (U. Oslo): background evolution, recombination history, perturbations, matter power spectrum | CAMB web interface |
Other Cosmology Calculators: ICRAR | iCosmos | Ned Wright | Chris North |
Daniel Green's course notes on scientific computing with python at UCSD, available as a Jupyter book: "this is intended as a first course in python/scientific computing for freshman/sophomore. Hopefully we will also transition to python in subsequent physics courses so this is meant to be the foundation for the rest of their degree." | lecture notes and computer code from "Computation Physics" 2023 course ( and The course samples 3 themes: data analysis, stochastic processes, and numerical methods |
Overleaf LaTeX templates | new feature: PDF detach, PDF preview of your project in a separate tab
Free Online Books ^
A Cosmology Workbook, by Lloyd Knox at UC Davis, which he uses in his undergrad cosmology course for physics majors
Lecture Notes in Cosmology [1803.00070]: 377 page book by Oliver F. Piattella published by Springer in 2018
Beyond the Standard Model Cocktail [2207.01633]: "a thorough survey of important questions at the interface between theoretical particle physics and cosmology; submitted to Springer for publication"
The establishment of the Standard Cosmological Model through observations [2001.08297], by Ricardo T. Génova-Santos
Dynamics and Astrophysics of Galaxies: HTML version with interactive examples and live code in the browser, 100% free, by Jo Bovy
Cosmology in Gauge Field Theory and String Theory, by D. Bailin, A. Love
Papers and pedagogical materials ^
Searchable list of 590 Astro2020 Decadal Survey papers | ESA's Voyage 2050 White Papers |
Planck 2018 Explanatory Supplement | Planck 2018 cosmological parameters and MC chains |
Astrobites Tools for Reading Papers: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and this
Net Advance of Physics topic index of review papers and tutorials
Distance Measures in Cosmology, by David Hogg | Wikipedia article |
The ABCs of Distances, by Ned Wright | Distances in Cosmology | CosmΩracle web app to calculate and plot distances |
The Distance Scale of the Universe, by Richard Powell
Measuring cosmic distances with standard sirens, by Holz, Hughes, and Schutz
Robert Klauber materials: Student Friendly Guide to the Cosmic Microwave Background | Different Horizons in Cosmology | Freeze-Out in the Early Universe |
An introduction to LIGO-Virgo data analysis, by Christopher Berry: a guide to LIGO-Virgo detector noise and extraction of transient gravitational-wave signals. Also see
Personal Sites, Blogs, or Talk Series ^
Agnès Ferté: weak lensing and multi-probe data analysis and modeling | recorded talks |
Alkistis Pourtsidou: large-scale structure, radio intensity mapping surveys, optical galaxy surveys, public codes | recorded talks |
Andrew Jaffe: many CMB and Planck articles, though blog is inactive since mid-2018
Anowar J. Shajib: gravitational lensing and observational cosmology | recorded talks |
Antony Lewis: website; early universe, CMB, Planck, Simons Observatory | recorded talks |
- | AstroparticleBites (unfortunately, no longer active as of 2020) |
Benedikt Diemer: computational astrophysics, structure formation | recorded talks | also see Colossus entry in the Codes and Tools section |
Benjamin Giblin: weak gravitational lensing, machine learning | recorded talks |
Chiara Mingarelli: gravitational waves astrophysics | recorded talks |
Christopher Berry: gravitational waves research
Ciaran O'Hare: astroparticle physics, dark matter, detector technologies | [2403.17697] Cosmology of axion dark matter, review paper
Claire Lammen: research on dark energy and dark matter, through observations of galaxies; part of the DESI collaboration
Cliff Burgess: website | recorded talks |
Cyril Pitrou: relativistic cosmology, BBN, neutrino background decoupling | recorded talks |
Daniel B. Thomas: "A key theme to my research is observational constraints on standard and alternative explanations of the dark sector"
Daniel Green: cosmologist and particle theorist, the Teaching page of his site has multiple lecture notes and other materials for his physics courses | recorded talks |
Daniel Grin: theoretical astrophysicist specializing in cosmology | recorded talks |
David Hogg: Hoggs Research blog on galaxies, stellar dynamics, exoplanets, and fundamental astronomy; recorded cosmology-related talks
Deanna C. Hooper: research focuses on dark matter and the early universe | Cup of Cosmology blog and videos aimed at a cosmology-enthusiast level | recorded talks |
Dhiraj Hazra: cosmological perturbations; Codes useful in studying cosmology | gitlab repo | recorded talks |
Dillon Brout: key positions on several teams: DES, Pantheon+, SH0ES, DESI, DEBASS (Dark Energy Bedrock All Sky Supernovae) | recorded talks | paper threads | Table of Cross-checks and Tests of Components of SH0ES Distance Ladder |
Djuna Croon: theoretical particle physics, astro-particle physics, and cosmology | recorded talks |
Elisa Ferreira: research in the interface between cosmology, astrophysics, and high energy physics, focus mostly on the dark sector | recorded talks |
Ethan Siegel: prolific author of the Starts With A Bang articles on BigThink
Florent Leclercq: numerical cosmology, cosmostatistics, focus on analysis of galaxy survey data | recorded talks | talk slides|
Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine: "research focuses on dark matter, gravitational lensing, neutrinos, and cosmology, with an emphasis on their relation with particle physics" | recorded talks |
Franco Vazza: the cosmic web, extragalactic magnetism, and galaxy clusters using large cosmological simulations | recorded talks |
George Alestas: Hubble tension, cosmological datasets, gravitational waves, theories of modified gravity, dark energy, dark matter, and solitons | recorded talks |
Geraint F. Lewis: cosmology research focuses on dark matter and dark energy; author and science communicator | YouTube channel on cosmology with Luke Barnes | recorded talks |
Hayley Macpherson: numerical relativity, simulations, nonlinear general-relativistic effects, anisotropy and inhomogeneity | recorded talks |
Jens Chluba: recombination, CMB spectral distortions caused by early-energy release, the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect, and related codes | recorded talks |
Jenny Wagner: (the "Gravity Grinch"); observational cosmologist at the interface between observational evidence, simulation reconstructions and explanatory theory, co-organiser of cosmo-of-69 web blog beyond FLRW-cosmologies: | recorded talks |
Jerome Quintin: theoretical cosmology | talks and slides page |
Jia Liu: computational and observational cosmology, research focus on large-scale structure | talks and slides page |
Jillian Scudder: areas of research | hosts the Astroquizzical blog |
Jo Dunkley: major projects involve ACT, Simons Observatory, and DESC | recorded talks |
Johannes U. Lange: galaxies, cosmology, and machine learning | recorded talks |
Jon Gudmundsson: experimental cosmology and astrophysics observations of the CMB
Josh Dillon: 21 cm cosmology, HERA | recorded talks |
Katherine Freese: theoretical cosmology and astroparticle physics | recorded talks |
Katie Mack, theoretical cosmologist and prolific public science communicator, recently joined Perimeter Institute | recorded talks |
Keir Rogers: dark matter, statistical methods, machine learning | recorded talks |
Laura Herold: main interest in testing cosmological models beyond the standard ΛCDM model with current observational probes by using statistical tools from both Bayesian and Frequentist statistics | recorded talks |
Leo C. Stein, general relativity from an astrophysical standpoint
Lloyd Knox: analysis and interpretation of cosmic microwave background radiation and related data; member of the Planck and South Pole Telescope collaborations | recorded talks |
Luca Amendola: Currently working mainly on topics related to Dark Energy, Large Scale Structure, Cosmic Microwave Background, and Statistics
Marcel Pawlowski: Satellite galaxy planes, dwarf galaxies, near-field cosmology | recorded talks |
Marcel Pawlowski, Moritz Haslbauer, Pavel Kroupa: The Dark Matter Crisis blog
Marius Millea: a proponent of the Julia programming language, e.g., CMBLensing.jl and Julia Discourse board | recorded talks |
Matt Buckley: theoretical particle physics and theoretical astrophysics, with a particular interest in the nature of dark matter; includes 'Paper Explainer' articles on his blog for many of his papers
Michele Moresco: observational cosmologist, galaxy evolution, large-scale structure, new cosmological probes to constrain the expansion rate of the Universe | recorded talks |
Miguel Zumalacarregui: works at the interface between cosmology, gravitation and fundamental physics | hi_class code developer | recorded talks |
Mike Boylan-Kolchin: "research focuses on galaxy formation theory and its interface with cosmology" | recorded talks |
Minh Nguyen physical cosmology, large-scale structure
Moritz Haslbauer: galaxy formation/evolution models | recorded talks |
Natalí de Santi: large scale structure, dark matter, dark energy, cosmological covariance matrices, parameter inference, N-body and hydrodynamical simulations, halo-galaxy connection, data science, machine learning | recorded talks |
Natalie B. Hogg: primary interests in gravitational waves and strong gravitational lensing as probes of dark energy and modified gravity; also statistical challenges in cosmology | recorded talks |
Niko Sarcevic: weak lensing, statistical problems in late-time cosmology, data visualization; a Cosmology from Home organizer | active on twitter ( and bsky with others in the cosmology community | involved in creating CosmΩracle and HEP-ASTRO-COSMO | recorded talks | Baryonic Modules in pyCCL (ipynb), SRD Tomographic Binning (ipynb), and thread |
Peter Coles: In the Dark blog and the force behind The Open Journal of Astrophysics
Phil Bull: theoretical cosmologist interested in mapping the large-scale structure of the Universe with radio and optical telescopes | Phil's blog on theoretical cosmology | recorded talks |
Philip Mocz: computational physicist, simulating quantum systems in cosmology, galaxy evolution | tutorials on creating computer simulations |
Rachael Beaton: galaxy halos, Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program | recorded talks |
Rafael Alves Batista: astroparticle physics, cosmic magnetic fields, dark matter, structure formation | recorded talks | talk slides on his website |
Raul Jimenez: theoretical cosmologist "especially interested in analysing large datasets and in the development of rigorous statistical algorithms" | recorded talks |
Richard Easther: ExcursionSet blog | recorded talks |
Sean Carroll: Preposterous Universe
Seshadri Nadathur: dark energy, dark matter, large-scale structure | recorded talks |
Shaun Hotchkiss: host of the Cosmology Talks series on youtube aimed at researchers in the field; also an organizer of the innovative Cosmology from Home annual (since 2020) online conference series
Silvia Galli: PI of the NEUCosmoS project, Fact Sheet | recorded talks |
Subodh Patil: early universe cosmology and related aspects of particle physics phenomenology | professional site | recorded talks |
Sunny Vagnozzi: cosmologist with a strong background in particle theory working at the interface of cosmology, astrophysics, and particle physics. His blog has weekly reviews of current cosmology papers, here is a listing of them (currently inactive while on parental leave) and here is a topic tags index | recorded talks | talk slides |
Swagat Saurav Mishra: Lecture notes on cosmic inflation | talks, slides, resource materials |
Tessa Baker: dark energy, modified gravity, gravitational waves, galaxy surveys and large-scale structure | recorded talks |
Tijmen de Haan | CMB is primary interest | cosmosage: a large language model trained on cosmology-specific datasets with the goal of making a general-purpose natural-language assistant for cosmologists; several models available on huggingface | cosmosage-v3.1 | colloquium talk on cosmosage | [2407.04420] cosmosage: A Natural-Language Assistant for Cosmologists |
Valeria Pettorino: Machine Learning, MCMC | recorded talks |
Yashar Akrami: theoretical and observational cosmology | recorded talks |
Other Notable Links ^
- AIP Oral History Interviews: cosmology related
- Some non-Cosmology Physics Talks of Interest
- All Things Neutrino, from Fermilab
- Ciaran O'Hare - talks slides: How to Make a Plot (in physics)