sample telegram bot to subscribe to emiited event from provided smart contract address and post it on telegram
To use the chatbot module, you'll need to install the node-telegram-bot-api library:
npm install node-telegram-bot-api
Then, you can require the chatbot module and use it to create a new Telegram chatbot:
const chatbot = require('./chatbot');
const bot = chatbot('123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11');
To subscribe to events emitted by the chatbot, you can use the subscribeToEvent function:
bot.subscribeToEvent((event) => {
To use the web3 connector module, you'll need to install the web3 library:
npm install web3
Then, you can require the web3 connector module and use it to create a new Web3 object:
const web3Connect = require('./web3connect');
const web3 = web3Connect('', '0x1234567890abcdef');
To subscribe to events emitted by the smart contract, you can use the subscribeToEvent function:
web3.subscribeToEvent('MyEvent', (error, event) => {
if (error) {