I tried to remove the dependency on drnics github-tmbundle scripts in this branch, please report any errors and feel free to correct/suggest/add.
This is a quick and dirty vim plugin to use some github features locally from vim.
It enables you to:
- open a link to the corresponding github file of a local vim selection
- add a comment to the corresponding github commit of a locally selected line
- yank a link to the corresponding github file of a local vim selection into the system clipboard
##Suggested installation
The file structure should be clear, just copy the github.vim into ~/.vim/plugin/
- Comment Commit: on the relevant line Press 'ghc' in normal mode
- Open Selection: create a selection in visual mode and press 'gho'
- Yank Selection: create a selection in visual mode and press 'ghy'
To remap the keybinding in your ~/.vimrc use:
- map GithubOpen
- map GithubComment
Since this is my first vim plugins, feel free to send corrections or improvements :) [email protected]