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joelsouza95 authored Oct 15, 2024
1 parent 5b014e4 commit d86602a
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Showing 5 changed files with 960 additions and 0 deletions.
328 changes: 328 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
This helper can help for:
* adjusting the canvas resolution to the good size -> this is crucial to
optimize the code because if the canvas is too large,
there are too much pixels to compute => it will be slow
* to mirror horizontally or not the canvas -> if the front camera is used we
need it flipped (mirror effect), while if the rear camera is used we need it not flipped
* to get the best camera resolution (either above the canvas resolution or closer)
to balance between performance and quality
"use strict";

const JeelizResizer = (function(){
// private vars:
let _domCanvas = null,
_whCanvasPx = null,
_isApplyCSS = false,
_resizeAttemptsCounter = 0,
_overSamplingFactor = 1,
_isFullScreen = false,
_timerFullScreen = null,
_callbackResize = null,
_isInvFullscreenWH = false;

const _cameraResolutions = [ // all resolutions should be in landscape mode
[1920, 1080]

//private functions
function add_CSStransform(domElement, CSS){
const CSStransform =;
if (CSStransform.indexOf(CSS) !== -1) return; = CSS + ' ' + CSStransform;

// Compute overlap between 2 rectangles A and B
// characterized by their width and their height in pixels
// the rectangles are centered
// return the ratio (pixels overlaped)/(total pixels)
function compute_overlap(whA, whB){
const aspectRatioA = whA[0] / whA[1];
const aspectRatioB = whB[0] / whB[1]; //higher aspectRatio -> more landscape

var whLandscape, whPortrait;
if (aspectRatioA > aspectRatioB){
whLandscape = whA, whPortrait = whB;
} else {
whLandscape = whB, whPortrait = whA;

// The overlapped area will be always a rectangle
const areaOverlap = Math.min(whLandscape[0], whPortrait[0]) * Math.min(whLandscape[1], whPortrait[1]);

var areaTotal;
if (whLandscape[0]>=whPortrait[0] && whLandscape[1]>=whPortrait[1]){ //union is a rectangle
areaTotal = whLandscape[0]*whLandscape[1];
} else if (whPortrait[0]>whLandscape[0] && whPortrait[1]>whLandscape[1]){ //union is a rectangle
areaTotal = whPortrait[0]*whPortrait[1];
} else { //union is a cross
areaTotal = whLandscape[0]*whLandscape[1];
areaTotal += (whPortrait[1]-whLandscape[1])*whPortrait[0];

return areaOverlap / areaTotal;
} //end compute_overlap()

function update_sizeCanvas(){
const domRect = _domCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();
apply_sizeCanvas(domRect.width, domRect.height);

function apply_sizeCanvas(width, height){
_whCanvasPx = [
Math.round(_overSamplingFactor * width),
Math.round(_overSamplingFactor * height)

// set canvas resolution:
_domCanvas.setAttribute('width', _whCanvasPx[0]);
_domCanvas.setAttribute('height', _whCanvasPx[1]);

// canvas display size:
if (_isApplyCSS){ = width.toString() + 'px'; = height.toString() + 'px';

function on_windowResize(){
// avoid to resize too often using a timer
// (it can create weird bug with some browsers)
if (_timerFullScreen){
_timerFullScreen = setTimeout(resize_fullScreen, 50);

function resize_canvasToFullScreen(){
const wh = [window['innerWidth'], window['innerHeight']];
if (_isInvFullscreenWH){
apply_sizeCanvas(wh[0], wh[1]);

function resize_fullScreen(){
_timerFullScreen = null;
if (_callbackResize) {

// public methods:
const that = {
// return true or false if the device is in portrait or landscape mode
// see
is_portrait: function(){
if (window['matchMedia']("(orientation: portrait)")['matches']){
return true;
} else {
return false;
} catch(e){
return (window['innerHeight'] > window['innerWidth']);

// check whether the user is using IOS or not
// see
check_isIOS: function(){
const isIOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator['userAgent']) && !window['MSStream'];
return isIOS;

// Should be called only if IOS was detected
// see
get_IOSVersion: function(){
const v = (navigator['appVersion']).match(/OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/);
return (v.length > 2) ? [parseInt(v[1], 10), parseInt(v[2], 10), parseInt(v[3] || 0, 10)] : [0, 0, 0];

// Check whether the user is using Android or not
// see
check_isAndroid: function(){
const ua = navigator['userAgent'].toLowerCase();
return (ua.indexOf('android') !== -1);

// Should be called only if Android was detected
// see
get_androidVersion: function(){
const ua = navigator['userAgent'].toLowerCase();
const match = ua.match(/android\s([0-9\.]*)/i);
if (!match || match.length<2){
return [0,0,0];
const v = match[1].split('.');
return [
parseInt(v[0], 10),
parseInt(v[1], 10),
parseInt(v[2] || 0, 10)

// to get a video of 480x640 (480 width and 640 height)
// with a mobile phone in portrait mode, the default implementation
// should require a 480x640 video (Chrome, Firefox)
// but bad implementations needs to always request landscape resolutions (so 640x480)
// see
require_flipVideoWHIfPortrait: function(){
// disabled because of
// seems quite a mess though...

/* if (that.check_isIOS()){
//the user is using IOS
const version = that.get_IOSVersion();
if (version[0] >= 13){
if (version[1] <= 1 // IOS 13.0.X
|| (version[1] === 1 && version[2] < 3)){ // IOS 13.1.X with X<3
return false;
if (that.check_isAndroid()){
const version = that.get_androidVersion();
if (version[0] >= 9){ // Android 9+
return false;
} */

// normal implementation
return false;

// size canvas to the right resolution
// should be called after the page loading
// when the canvas has already the right size
// options:
// - <string> canvasId: id of the canvas
// - <HTMLCanvasElement> canvas: if canvasId is not provided
// - <function> callback: function to launch if there was an error or not
// - <float> overSamplingFactor: facultative. If 1, same resolution than displayed size (default).
// If 2, resolution twice higher than real size
// - <boolean> CSSFlipX: if we should flip the canvas or not. Default: false
// - <boolean> isFullScreen: if we should set the canvas fullscreen. Default: false
// - <function> onResize: function called when the window is resized. Only enabled if isFullScreen = true
// - <boolean> isInvWH: if we should invert width and height for fullscreen mode only. default = false
// - <boolean> isApplyCSS: if we should also apply canvas dimensions as CSS. default = false
size_canvas: function(optionsArg){
const options = Object.assign({
canvasId: 'undefinedCanvasId',
canvas: null,
overSamplingFactor: window.devicePixelRatio || 1,

isFullScreen: false,
isInvWH: false,
CSSFlipX: false,
isApplyCSS: false,

onResize: null,
callback: function(){}
}, optionsArg);

_domCanvas = (options.canvas) ? options.canvas : document.getElementById(options.canvasId);
_isFullScreen = options.isFullScreen;
_isInvFullscreenWH = options.isInvWH;
_isApplyCSS = options.isApplyCSS;
_overSamplingFactor = options.overSamplingFactor;

if (_isFullScreen){
// we are in fullscreen mode
_callbackResize = options.onResize;

window.addEventListener('resize', on_windowResize, false);
window.addEventListener('orientationchange', on_windowResize, false);

} else { // not fullscreen mode

// get display size of the canvas:
const domRect = _domCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();
if (domRect.width===0 || domRect.height===0){
console.log('WARNING in JeelizResize.size_canvas(): the canvas has its width or its height null, Retry a bit later...');
if (++_resizeAttemptsCounter > 20){
setTimeout(that.size_canvas.bind(null, options), 50);

// do resize canvas:
_resizeAttemptsCounter = 0;

// flip horizontally if required:
if (options.CSSFlipX){
add_CSStransform(_domCanvas, 'rotateY(180deg)');

// compute the best camera resolutions:
const allResolutions ={
return x.slice(0)

// if we are in portrait mode, the camera is also in portrait mode
// so we need to set all resolutions to portrait mode
if (that.is_portrait() && that.require_flipVideoWHIfPortrait()){

// sort camera resolutions from the best to the worst:
allResolutions.sort(function(resA, resB){
return compute_overlap(resB, _whCanvasPx) - compute_overlap(resA, _whCanvasPx);

// pick the best camera resolution:
const bestCameraResolution = {
'idealWidth': allResolutions[0][0],
'idealHeight': allResolutions[0][1]

console.log('INFO in JeelizResizer: bestCameraResolution =', bestCameraResolution);

// launch the callback function after a small interval to let it
// some time to size:
setTimeout(options.callback.bind(null, false, bestCameraResolution), 1);
}, //end size_canvas()

// Should be called if the canvas is resized to update the canvas resolution:
resize_canvas: function(){
if (_isFullScreen){
} else {

get_canvasSize: function(){
return _whCanvasPx;
}; //end that
return that;

// Export ES6 module:
try {
module.exports = JeelizResizer;
} catch(e){
console.log('JeelizResizer ES6 Module not exported');
window.JeelizResizer = JeelizResizer;

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