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Data Driven Videos

This monorepo contains:

  • A NodeJS application called "dd-videos-api" that manages the dynamic creation of videos based on information from a Google Sheets spreadsheet used as a database.
  • An angular front-end that shows a landing where a user can login with its Google account and can watch and download the generated video.


The following scripts are available in this repository:

  • start:api: Starts the API server for the "dd-videos-api" application. You can run this script with the command npm run start:api.
  • build:api: Builds the "dd-videos-api" application. You can run this script with the command npm run start:api.
  • start:christmas-video: Starts the angular front-end. You can run this script with the command npm run start:christmas-video.
  • build:api: Builds the "christmas-video" front-end. You can run this script with the command npm run start:api.

Ffmpeg library

This project uses the ffmpeg library. There are two ways of manage this library:

Ffmpeg from your machine

Ffmpeg from node packages

  • Install ffmpeg and ffprobe from node packages:

npm i -E ffmpeg-static @ffprobe-installer/ffprobe

  • Uncomment the piece of code in the file apps/dd-videos-api/src/app/manage-videos/services/generate-video.service.ts

  • Set the environment variable FFMPEG_NODE_SOURCES to 'false'

Google Spreadsheet - Database

For this version, we use a google spreadsheet as a database. For having permissions to the document we have to create and save a credentials.json in this folder: apps/dd-videos-api/src.

For generating this file and link with the google spreadsheet, we can follow the steps from this page:

The spreadsheet has the following tabs:

  • projects: id, name, audioFile, dataTable (name of other tab where custom info for each video will be saved)
  • scenes: id, projectId, duration, source
  • scene_texts: id, projectId,sceneId, style, x, y, text
  • data_iberia (example of dataTable): uuid (mandatory), name, firstFlightDate...

Google login

For login users in our angular front-end, we use a Google login and we configure it from the Google developers console. Here there is a tutorial using the package we use in our projec, @abacritt/angularx-social-login:


Project to make custom videos






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