A collection of tools relevant to locally-oriented dashboards supporting car2go, biki bike sharing and the Montreal metro. This is intended to run as an atlasboard submodule.
Note the shown dashboard includes altlasboard-social for twitter, atlasboard-weather and a slightly modified google-calendar
job/widget from the atlasboard-demo
package. (middle-right, bottom-middle and middle-bottom, respectively.)
All configuration options are optional.
"metro514": {
"language": "english"
The language
configuation option can be either english
or french
The motivation to use a static map is that the ChromeCast is slow to render JavaScript maps (e.g. add a webanimation showing a glowing point around your origin and watch it crash!)
The jobs
code has the bike sharing-parsing portion and theming portion separable. (My node/atlasboard knowledge doesn't know how to break this out, PRs welcome).
"mystaticmap": {
"lat": 40.76727,
"limit": 600,
"count": 20,
"maptype": "terrain",
"size": "640x640",
"zoom": 16,
"theme": "midnightcommander"
"city": "montreal"
"loc": "montreal",
"apikey": "Your Car2GoConsumerKey"
are mandatory- if you use
you must set acity
- if you use
you must set aloc
Supported city bike sharing service values: montreal, ottawa, boston, chicago, nyc, toronto, columbus, chattanooga, sf
All car2go values for car2go.loc
are supported.
is the distance in meters from the lat
and lon
is the max number of stations to gather independent of distance.
is limited to 640x640 without a premium account
is optional, but I find the default guess is pretty wide angle.
is detailed below.
can be roadmap
, satellite
, hybrid
or terrain
is any valid Google Maps API colour and highlights non-specified links. E.g. if a leg has no specified colour it will use the transitcolor
. Most useful with themes.
Adding a Static Maps API Key permits access to higher resolution and more features, at a premium. It also permits them to track by API key instead of by IP address. It is mandatory if you want a map larger than 640x640.
In your globalAuth.json
you should add:
"staticmap": {
"apikey" : "YourGoogleStaticMapAPIKey"
Full credit goes to:
Themes are files in the jobs/themes/
directories and are JSON files as in the Snazzymaps JSON format. (Unfortunately at this time I don't have an easier way than cut and paste to get these files. I've looked at their dev API and it doesn't immediately do what I want.)
Show a travel time a specific origin and destination.
"mystaticmap": {
"origin_lat": 40.76727,
"destination_lat": 40.0,
"mode": "bicycling",
Also valid:
"mystaticmap": {
"origin": "4200 Saint Laurent, Montreal, PQ, Canada",
"destination": "Old Montreal, Montreal, PQ, Canada",
"mode": "driving"
(together) ORorigin
are mandatorydestination_lat
(together) ORdestination
are mandatory
can be driving
, walking
, bicycling
, transit
. Default is driving
Adding a Google API Key permits access more features, at a premium. It also permits them to track by API key instead of by IP address.
In your globalAuth.json
you should add:
"traveltime": {
"apikey" : "YourGoogleAPIKey"
TODO: confirm distinction with static map and directions api keys, possibly distinguish
Show a travel time and route for a specific origin and destination.
"mystaticmap": {
"origin_lat": 40.76727,
"destination_lat": 40.0,
"mode": "bicycling",
"maptype": "terrain",
"size": "200x200",
"transitcolor": "red",
Also valid:
"mystaticmap": {
"origin": "4200 Saint Laurent, Montreal, PQ, Canada",
"destination": "Old Montreal, Montreal, PQ, Canada",
(together) ORorigin
are mandatorydestination_lat
(together) ORdestination
are mandatory
can be driving
, walking
, bicycling
, transit
is limited to 640x640 without a premium account
is optional, but the default guess works
is detailed below.
can be roadmap
, satellite
, hybrid
or terrain
is any valid Google Maps API colour and highlights non-specified links. E.g. if a leg has no specified colour it will use the transitcolor
. Most useful with themes.
Adding a Static Maps API Key permits access to higher resolution and more features, at a premium. It also permits them to track by API key instead of by IP address. It is mandatory if you want a map larger than 640x640.
In your globalAuth.json
you should add:
"traveltimemap": {
"apikey" : "YourGoogleStaticMapAPIKey"
TODO: confirm distinction with static map and directions api keys, possibly distinguish
(!) At this time themes are only static strings. Once I understand how to share themes with [Staticmap] I will add this.
"themeString": "&style=feature:all|element:labels.text.fill|color:0xffffff|weight:0.20|lightness:28|saturation:23|visibility:off&style=feature:all|element:labels.text.stroke|color:0x494949|lightness:13|visibility:off&style=feature:all|element:labels.icon|visibility:off&style=feature:administrative|element:geometry.fill|color:0x000000&style=feature:administrative|element:geometry.stroke|color:0x144b53|lightness:14|weight:1.4&style=feature:landscape|element:all|color:0x08304b&style=feature:poi|element:geometry|color:0x0c4152|lightness:5&style=feature:road.highway|element:geometry.fill|color:0x000000&style=feature:road.highway|element:geometry.stroke|color:0x0b434f|lightness:25&style=feature:road.arterial|element:geometry.fill|color:0x000000&style=feature:road.arterial|element:geometry.stroke|color:0x0b3d51|lightness:16&style=feature:road.local|element:geometry|color:0x000000&style=feature:transit|element:all|color:0x146474&style=feature:water|element:all|color:0x021019"