Add autocorrect support for ALE
If you don't have a preferred installation method, I recommend install vim-plug, and then add following codes.
Plug 'jiz4oh/ale-autocorrect.vim'
ALE linters are automatically run without any configurations in most filetypes. But some filetypes have been defined a default linters
e.g python, go.
You can found more detail by :h ale_linters
, and add following codes into your vimrc if you are work with those filetypes.
" For example, you can enable only `autocorrect` for Python files
let g:ale_linters = { 'python': ['autocorrect'] }
If you need fix by ALE, add following codes into your vimrc.
" For example, enable only `autocorrect` for Python files
let g:ale_fixers = { 'python': ['autocorrect'] }
This project under MIT license.