This WheelView is original from here
I just simplify it and rewrite with kotlin.
Just copy the source file WheelView and associate attrs to your project and fire off.
For demonstrate, I'v wrote two examples you might need:
PickWeekdayDialog (use DialogFragment, which maybe useful if you are so lucky that got some genius Chinese UI designers)
private var selectWeekday = "Wednesday"
private fun showWeekDialog(view: View?) {
.withWeekdayChooseListener { chosenDay ->
selectWeekday = chosenDay
Toast.makeText(this, "picked:$chosenDay", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
PickDateDialog (use BottomSheetDialogFragment, which you may have to solve scrolling problem if you have more than one scrolling child view)
private var selectDate = "2023-5-12"
private fun showDateDialog(view: View?) {
.withYearRang(start = 1990, end = 2030)
.withDateChooseListener { chosenDay ->
selectDate = chosenDay
Toast.makeText(this, "picked:$chosenDay", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
For custom UI, copy the resource files you needed, screw it the way you like.
Check the details in source code.
<declare-styleable name="WheelView">
<attr name="android:textSize" />
<attr name="android:lineSpacingMultiplier" />
<attr name="subTextColor" format="color" />
<attr name="subTextGradient" format="boolean" />
<attr name="centerTextColor" format="color" />
<attr name="centerTextMidWeight" format="boolean" />
<attr name="dividerColor" format="color" />
<attr name="dividerVisible" format="boolean" />
<attr name="canLoop" format="boolean" />
<attr name="label" format="string" />
<attr name="contentBias" format="float" />
<attr name="labelBias" format="float" />
<!-- should be odd-->
<attr name="visibleItemCount" format="integer" />
- textSize:the content text size, you can use setCenterTextTypeface() or setSubTextTypeface() to change typeface
- lineSpacingMultiplier:use to adjust space between items
- centerTextColor:the color of center text
- centerTextMidWeight:true to make center text a fake middle weight,default is true
- subTextColor:the color of text other than center text
- subTextGradient:true to use alpha gradient effect for sub items
- dividerColor:the color of center divider
- dividerVisible:true to show center divider,default is false
- canLoop:if those items can loop,default is false
- label:a tag text attaches behind center text
- contentBias:optional to adjust items position in horizontal direction,default is center
- labelBias:optional to adjust label position in horizontal direction,default is align end
- visibleItemCount:the total visible item count,should be odd
- subTextXOffset:the x-axis offset of the items other than center text