An API SOLID designed to facilitate the management of gym memberships, users, and related activities. The application leverages modern technologies such as Fastify, Prisma, and TypeScript to deliver a robust and scalable backend.
- User authentication and session management with @fastify/jwt and @fastify/cookie.
- Secure password handling using bcryptjs.
- Database ORM with Prisma.
- Validation powered by zod.
- Test coverage with Vitest.
- Dockerized development environment.
Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url>
cd api-solid
Install dependencies:
npm install
Configure environment variables:
- Create a .env file in the project root.
- Add necessary environment variables (e.g., database connection string, JWT secret).
- Start development server:
npm run start:dev
- Start services (Docker Compose):
npm run services:up
- Stop services:
npm run services:stop
- Remove services:
npm run services:down
- Compile TypeScript files:
npm run build
- Run unit tests:
npm run test
- Run unit tests in watch mode:
npm run test:watch
- Run E2E tests:
npm run test:e2e
- Run E2E tests in watch mode:
npm run test:e2e:watch
- Run tests with coverage:
npm run test:coverage
- Test UI:
npm run test:ui
- It must be possible to register;
- It must be possible to authenticate;
- It must be possible to retrieve the profile of a logged-in user;
- It must be possible for the user to check in at a gym;
- It must be possible to validate a user's check-in;
- It must be possible to get the number of check-ins performed by the logged-in user;
- It must be possible for the user to retrieve their check-in history;
- It must be possible for the user to search for nearby gyms (within 10 km);
- It must be possible for the user to search for gyms by name;
- It must be possible to register a gym.
- Users must not be able to register with a duplicate email;
- Users cannot perform more than one check-in on the same day;
- Users cannot check in unless they are near the gym (within 100 meters);
- A check-in can only be validated up to 20 minutes after it is created;
- A check-in can only be validated by administrators;
- A gym can only be registered by administrators.
- The user's password must be encrypted;
- The application's data must be stored in a PostgreSQL database;
- All data lists must be paginated with 20 items per page;
- The user must be identified by a JWT (JSON Web Token).