Lightweight localStorage plugin for Vue2.0. (中文文档)
- Add namespace automatically according to the component name
- Object storage friendly
- similar lodash/get method can be used when obtaining storage values
- could modify single property of the storaged object directly
$ npm i vue-localstorage2 -S
In Vue.js:
import localStorage2 from 'vue-localstorage2'
import Vue from 'vue'
In other framework, such as React:
import { Storage } from 'vue-localstorage2'
const storage = new Storage('app_name', 'app_prefix')
storage.set('item', 'value')
storage.get('item', 'default_value')
Vue.use(localStorage2, {
prefix: '<storage_prefix>', // default `app`
namespace: false // default `true`
Get the value stored in storage by method similar to lodash/get.
this.$localStorage.get('name', 'tom')
this.$localStorage.get('', 'tom')
get('', 'tom')
that is equals:
const _list = this.$localStorage.get('list')
get(_list, '', 'tom')
this.$localStorage.set('name', 'tom')
this.$localStorage.set('list', [{ name: 'mary' }])
A key value of an object can be modified directly, but it should be guaranteed whether the object list.0
exists or not.
this.$localStorage.set('', 'mary')
Delete a single key value based on the name.
The clear method does not clear all of the localStorage under the domain name, It is only clear that the value generated through the vue-localstorage2 (that is, the name of the stored value is the value pair that starts with the prefix
+ component name
Copyright (c) 2017-present, Army-U. Released under the MIT License.