Hi, Iโm Dr. James Church, an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Information Technology in the College of STEM at Austin Peay State University since 2016. My primary responsibilities in the department are teaching web development and software engineering courses. I am also the director of our APSU Coding Camps, which teaches computer literacy and programming to children. I've written and been granted several grants to support these camps. I'm also the program chair of the ACM Mid-Southeast Conference. I'm also the author of the book Learning Haskell Data Analysis, which is several years outdated at this point.
While in grad school, I wrote a linear algebra library in C based on The Matrix Cookbook. I also wrote an early Amazon Alexa Skill named Hunt the Yeti and published the full source code for others to learn how to make their own Alexa Skills, but much of this is now out of date. In my past work, I wrote radar processing software for a supercomputer in MPI-C for a defense contractor. I've also got a collection of simple web development projects I like showing off on CodePen.io.
My Office Hours are on the department website.
Courses Taught in the Spring of 2024:
- CSCI 1010+1011 Introduction to Programming I
- CSCI CSCI 4460 Content Management Systems (on-ground and online)
I'm interested in software engineering, image processing, and computational geometry.
Iโm currently learning how to program in Rust.
You can reach via most social media platforms under the username "jcchurch". You can also message me on Discord at jcchurch. :)