Provide a command line ability to download some, or all, of the public keys in an AWS S3 bucket as well as all of the XML that lists its contents, whether the key is public or not.
As I was going through, looking for public AWS S3 buckets that contained PII, I realized that I wanted to be able to download the XML and a subset of data to show companies what data they had exposed. I didn't want to do this manually and I wanted to be able to have ALL of the XML (AWS paginates S3 content per 1k keys).
Just get the XML, downloaded to the working directory under a the subfolder [bucket_name]
./ -n [bucket_name] -x
Download the whole bucket to /home/foo/bar/[bucket_name]
./ -o /home/foo/bar -n [bucket_name] -d
Download only where "test" is in the key and get all of the XML
./ -n [bucket_name] -d -x -i test
Download where "test" is in the key but "exclude me" is not in the key
./ -n [bucket_name] -d -i test -e "exclude me"
Download using an API key (e.g. for buckets that allow any authenticated user to access it) ./ -n [bucket_name] -d -ak "AWS_ACCESS_KEY" -sk "AWS_SECRET_KEY"
- If a file is private, the download will be the XML saying that file access is denies
- Some keys are just folder names, these will not be downloaded but the keys within the bucket will (e.g. a key could be "folder/" but there will be keys with content like "folder/file1")
- You can add multiple "-i" or "-e" parameters. Each set of "-i" and "-e" parameters will be OR'd and the "-i" and "-e" parameters are AND'd together. These are case insensitive