computer architecture and organization assembly project The program filters the data during the copy process, preserving only specified characters. Usage instruction: ./scopy in_file out_file
The scopy program takes two parameters: in_file (the source file) and out_file (the destination file).
The program performs the following actions:
checks the number of parameters. If the number of parameters is not equal to 2, the program terminates with an exit code of 1.
attempts to open the in_file for reading. If the file opening fails, the program terminates with an exit code of 1.
attempts to create the out_file with read and write permissions (-rw-r--r--). If the file creation fails, for example, if the file already exists, the program terminates with an exit code of 1.
reads from the in_file and writes to the out_file. If there is an error during the read or write operations, the program terminates with an exit code of 1.
For each byte read from the in_file that has an ASCII value of 's' or 'S', the program writes that byte to the out_file.
For each maximal non-empty sequence of bytes read from the in_file that does not contain the byte with an ASCII value of 's' or 'S', the program writes a 16-bit number to the out_file. The number represents the count of bytes in the sequence modulo 65536. The number is written in little-endian binary format.
Finally, the program closes the files and if everything succeeded, it terminates with an exit code of 0.