TODO: Implement graphical user interface (GUI) elements:
* Buttons, check boxes and list boxes.
It will be implemented using ThorPy, probably.
So, for the moment you will have to use the keyboard keys and the line command parameters.
Apart from these GUI elements, this version is fully operational.
Conway's Game of Life with colors.
Conway's Game of Life classic or with colors for the first 8 generations.
Objective: Simulates a universe following the Conway's Game of Life rules.
By default uses colors to represent the first 8 generations of a cell alive.
The user can choose between two representations of a universe: toroidal or flat.
program: life
version: 1.0.3
language: English
author: Joan A. Pinol
author_nickname: japinol
author_gitHub: japinol7
author_twitter: @japinol
Python requires: 3.13 or greater.
Simulates a universe following the Conway's Game of Life rules.
By default uses colors to represent the first 8 generations of a live cell.
The user can choose between two representations of a universe: toroidal or flat.
The game of life was invented by the mathematithian John H. Conway in 1970
in response to a problem of John von Neumann who was looking
for a machine capable of self-replication.
The standard Game of Life is symbolized as B3/S23.
In it, a cell is born if it has exactly three neighbors,
survives if it has two or three living neighbors, and dies otherwise.
The Rules:
1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies by isolation.
2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation.
3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies by over population.
4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes alive by reproduction.
The initial pattern constitutes the seed of the system.
The first generation is created by applying the above rules simultaneously
to every cell in the seed. Births and deaths occur simultaneously.
F1: show a help screen on the graphic user interface
^h: shows this help to the console
p: pause
ESC: cancel or quit
must be pressed 4 times when auto play mode is activated.
left, move cursor to the left
right, move cursor to the right
up, move cursor up
down, move cursor down
Ctrl + movement key: move selector several cells
c: clean the universe
r: reset the universe
n: calculate next generation
o: one color
s: cell selector visibility on/off
Space: continue/stop generations
Enter: switch cell between dead/alive
only if cell selector is visible
^j: save generations to output file on/off
^k: write statistics for current generation to output file
(only if are actitated)
^b: save buffer currently pending to write to output file
Alt + Enter: change full screen / normal screen mode
L_Ctrl + R_Alt + g: grid on/off
^d: print debug information to the console
^l: write debug information to a log file
Note: Most keys will be deactivated when auto play is activated.
life [-h] [-c CELLSIZE] [-m] [-o] [-u] [-w WIDTHSCREEN]
[-e HEIGHTSCREEN] [-f] [-s SPEED] [-n] [-i] [-k SEEDS]
[-v OUTFILE] [-x] [-l LOGFILE] [-a] [-j] [-p STOPAFTER]
[-y] [-z] [-zz] [-uu] [-t] [-ts]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CELL_SIZE, --cellsize CELL_SIZE
the size of each cell. Must be between 4 and 10.
-m, --emptyuniverse
start with an empty universe.
-o, --onecolor
use one color, the way the classic Conway's Game of Life does.
-u, --toroidaluniverse
the universe is represented by a toroidal array instead of a flat one.
the width of the screen. Must be between 1700 and 1920
the height of the screen. Must be between 959 and 1080
-f, --fullscreen
start the game in full screen mode.
-s SPEED, --speed SPEED
change the speed of each generation.
It will calculate a generation every N seconds if possible.
-n, --editnotallowed
will not allow edit the universe by changing the value of a cell.
-i, --startimmediately
start calculating generations with the initial seed/s immediately.
-k SEEDS, --seeds SEEDS
use specified starting seeds and their positions.
Usage: --seeds "SEED1 Y_POS X_POS, SEED2 Y_POS X_POS"
Example: --seeds "clock 10 20, glider 20 30"
You can use these seeds:
acorn, beacon, bee_hive, blinker,
blinkers_bit_pole, block, block_switch_engine,
circle_of_fire, boat, clock, diehard, explode,
explode_small, glider, gosper_glider_gun, infinite,
infinite_5x5, infinite_6x8, infinite_1x39, loaf,
pentadecathlon, pentomino_o, pentomino_p, pentomino_q,
pentomino_r, pentomino_s, pentomino_t, pentomino_u,
pentomino_v, pentomino_w, pentomino_x, pentomino_y,
pentomino_z, pulsar, quad_pole, spaceship_light,
spaceship_medium, spaceship_heavy,
spaceship_25p3h1v0.1, sparker_101, toad, tub.
-v OUT_FILE, --outfile OUT_FILE
output file where there will be written the results
when 'save generations to file' is activated.
-x, --savetofile
save generations to output file.
-l LOG_FILE, --logfile LOG_FILE
output log file where the results will be written.
-a, --auto
automatic mode. The following actions are not allowed:
Stop generations, pause generations, calculate
only the next generation, show graphic help screen,
edit the board, change the shape of the universe,
clean or reset the universe, change full/normal screen...
Also, you must press ESC or Quit 4 times to exit the life game.
Also, activates start immediately flag.
This option is useful for benchmark purposes and more.
-j, --exitauto
exit immediately if the automatic mode is on.
change the speed of each generation.
It will calculate a generation every N nanoseconds if possible.
-y, --timeinoutfile
save current time in output file for each generation.
-z, --statsoff
deactivate statistics for total dead cells and current cells alive.
-zz, --statsnogui
even if statistics are activated, do not reflect the middle
calculations on the GUI. Only draw the last one.
-uu, --nodisplayscaled
Deactivate the scaling of the game screen.
Resolution depends on desktop size and scale graphics.
Note that Pygame scaled is considered an experimental API
and is subject to change.
-t, --debugtraces
show debug back traces information when something goes wrong.
-ts, --testsuite
execute the test suite and exit.
This test suite tests 2 universes in their flat and toroidal versions.
They just creates each universe, calculates the first 550 generations,
saves the results in the output file and compares these results
with previous output files that are correct.
Default optional arguments
"sparker_101 4 3,
boat 5 55,
beacon 24 6,
diehard 37 18,
pentomino_o 8 46,
pentomino_v 30 44,
clock 34 6,
block_switch_engine 18 34,
spaceship_25p3h1v0.1 40 44,
blinkers_bit_pole 55 60,
explode_small 58 88,
pentomino_u 42 92,
circle_of_fire 6 84,
quad_pole 26 86,
pulsar 60 105,
spaceship_heavy 78 107,
pentomino_w 16 114,
clock 85 4"
OUT_FILE output/output.txt
LOG_FILE files/log.txt
STOPAFTER 0 <Do not stop>
onecolor False
toroidaluniverse False
fullscreen False
editnotallowed False
startimmediately False
savetofile False
testpattern False
auto False
exitauto False
timeinoutfile False
statsoff False
statsnogui False
nodisplayscaled False
debugtraces False
To execute the test suite
Do this:
1. Go to the life folder in your system where you have cloned this repository.
2. $ python -m life --testsuite
Or this:
1. Go to the life folder in your system where you have cloned this repository.
2. $ python -m tests
This will calculate the first 550 generations of these 4 universes:
* A flat universe starting with the default seeds (see "default optional arguments" above).
* A toroidal universe starting with the default seeds (see "default optional arguments" above).
* A flat universe starting with the seed:
gosper_glider_gun 7 20, clock 75 100.
* A toroidal universe starting with the seed:
gosper_glider_gun 7 20, clock 75 100.
Examples of usage
If Life has not been installed as an app:
$ python -m life
$ python -m life --startimmediately
$ python -m life --seeds "gosper_glider_gun 7 20, clock 75 100"
$ python -m life --seeds "glider 10 10, glider 15 40, clock 15 65, glider 20 80, glider 25 105, glider 25 130" --toroidaluniverse --auto
$ python -m life --seeds "circle_of_fire 22 40, glider 20 80, glider 25 105, spaceship_25p3h1v0.1 40 90, spaceship_25p3h1v0.1 70 70, glider 1 1" --toroidaluniverse --auto
$ python -m life --seeds "gosper_glider_gun 7 20, clock 75 100" --stopafter 400 --savetofile --auto
$ python -m life --stopafter 240 --savetofile --timeinoutfile --auto
$ python -m life --stopafter 240 --toroidaluniverse --savetofile --timeinoutfile --auto
$ python -m life --seeds "clock 10 20, glider 20 30" --startimmediately --toroidaluniverse --onecolor
$ python -m life --seeds "clock 10 20, glider 20 30, glider 25 105" --startimmediately --onecolor
$ python -m life --seeds "glider 10 10, glider 15 40, clock 15 65, glider 20 80, glider 25 105, glider 25 130" --stopafter 400 --auto --savetofile
$ python -m life --seeds "glider 10 10, glider 15 40, clock 15 65, glider 20 80, glider 25 105, glider 25 130" --stopafter 400 --toroidaluniverse --savetofile --timeinoutfile --auto
File paths used in the below examples are for Linux systems. Change them according to your OS:
$ python -m life --stopafter 550 --auto --savetofile --outfile "~/life/life_out.txt" --logfile "~/life/life_log.txt" --statsnogui
$ python -m life --toroidaluniverse --stopafter 550 --auto --savetofile --outfile "~/life/life_out.txt" --logfile "~/life/life_log.txt" --statsnogui
$ python -m life --seeds "gosper_glider_gun 7 20, clock 75 100" --stopafter 550 --auto --savetofile --outfile "~/life/life_out.txt" --logfile "~/life/life_log.txt" --statsnogui
$ python -m life --seeds "gosper_glider_gun 7 20, clock 75 100" --toroidaluniverse --stopafter 550 --auto --savetofile --outfile "~/life/life_out.txt" --logfile "~/life/life_log.txt" --statsnogui
File paths used in the below examples are for Windows systems. Change them according to your OS:
$ python -m life --stopafter 550 --auto --savetofile --outfile "f:\life_out.txt" --logfile "f:\life_log.txt" --statsnogui
$ python -m life --toroidaluniverse --stopafter 550 --auto --savetofile --outfile "f:\life_out.txt" --logfile "f:\life_log.txt" --statsnogui
$ python -m life --seeds "gosper_glider_gun 7 20, clock 75 100" --stopafter 550 --auto --savetofile --outfile "f:\life_out.txt" --logfile "f:\life_log.txt" --statsnogui
$ python -m life --seeds "gosper_glider_gun 7 20, clock 75 100" --toroidaluniverse --stopafter 550 --auto --savetofile --outfile "f:\life_out.txt" --logfile "f:\life_log.txt" --statsnogui
To make Life work
Do this:
1. Clone this repository.
2. Go to its folder in your system.
3. $ pip install -r requirements.txt
4. $ python -m life