This is a package, documentation, and replication repository for the paper "A Wiki-based Dataset of Military Operations with Novel Strategic Technologies (MONSTr)" which is forthcoming in International Interactions. This paper is part of the broader military operations project which can be found at
For any questions, please email either of the authors, J Andres Gannon, at: [email protected] or Kerry Chavez, at: [email protected]
All of the files necessary for reproducing our analysis are including in a self contained R package "MONSTr". You can install the package MONSTr from github with the instructions below:
if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
The analysis and figures in the paper and statistical appendix are produced in a number of fully reproducable Quarto documents.
File Preparation:
- 01 Existing Data
- 02a DBpedia
- 02b Wikidata
- 03 Parent-child
Models and Figures:
- 04 Model Prep
- 05 Model Results
- 06 Figures
- 07 R&R Supplement