This is a package, documentation, and replication repository for the paper "One if by land, and two if by sea: Cross-domain contests and the escalation of international crises" published in International Studies Quarterly. This paper is part of the broader International Crisis Behavior Events (ICBe) project which can be found here.
For any questions, please email the author, J Andres Gannon, at: [email protected].
All of the files necessary for reproducing my analysis are including in a self contained R package "ICBd". You can install the package ICBd from github with the instructions below:
if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
The analysis and figures in the paper and statistical appendix are produced in a number of R Notebooks.
File Preparation - Dependent Variable:
01a File Preparation - Domain: Prepares a novel dataset on the military domains used by each state actor during international crises.
01b File Preparation - Dyadic: Reshapes the novel domain data to the crisis-dyad level by merging with existing ICB dyadic datasets.
Supplementary information:
02 Summary Stats: Provides descriptive statistics of the new data, both for data quality validation and exploratory data analysis.
03 Appendix: Appendix includes additional statistical models and robustness checks.
Models and Figures:
- Paper: Results of the statistical models as well as code used to produce the figures and tables in the published manuscript are produced with in-line code in the paper itself.