Note: Click here to see the app hosted and running
Frontend made in Angular in order to implement a To-Do list app
Click here to go to Nodejs Backend repository
Add Task: Add a task to the to-do list Fields: title, due date priority, description, attachments
Edit Task: Edit an already created task
Delete Task: Delete an already created tasks
List Tasks: Lists all the tasks in the app. it also has the following functionalities:
Filter by:
- Tasks: All tasks in the app. My tasks (when logged in).
- Priority: All priorities, low, medium, high.
- Status: All, Completed, imcomplete.
Sort by (Ascendant/Descendant):
- None
- Priority
- Due Date
Infinite load pagination: Load of more tasks when total tasks exceeds 10 elements.
Account Creation and Login: Account creation in order to filter the tasks by the ones created by the user
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 9.0.2.
Run npm install
in order to install required dependencies.
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The backend must be running so the app can work.
Lesther Caballero