Breaking changes:
(bluefox) Breaking changes: "][*,;'"`<>?" are no more allowed in IDs
Feature changes:
(bluefox) the user by changing of states and objects is logged
(bluefox) install specific version of missing adapter
(bluefox) add disk info
(bluefox) add memAvailable state
(bluefox) add noChmod experimental settings
(bluefox) stop instances only if they belongs to current host
(bluefox) delete adapter only on current host and leave it on others
(bluefox) Combine States and Objects (#203 )
(bluefox) Implement adapter.terminate('Because I need it') (#197 )
(alcalzone) add restart, disable, updateConfig methods to Adapter class
(bluefox) add reinstall.js
(bluefox) add "iob" as shortcut
(bluefox) add getInterfaces to sendToHost
(bluefox) implement backup of data folders via dataFolder flag
(alcalzone) Add a wrapper method to safely expose ES6 classes to legacy code
(bluefox) add information if instance is alive in "list instances"
(stabilostick) added 'pidusage' for information about cpu and new states per adapter instance
(bluefox) support of new mime types: pdf, doc, xls, ppt
(bluefox) implement flag common.eraseOnUpload
(bluefox) set quality codes on connection lost and adapter disconnect
(alcalzone) Give adapters a chance to handle their own uncaught errors
(alcalzone) Add call stack information to hard to trace error logs
(bluefox) add pattern2RegEx to tools
Fixes and Optimizations:
(apollon77) the node10 testing was added
(bluefox) the read file function was protected
(bluefox) possible access rights problem was closed
(bluefox) refactoring of memory calculations
(bluefox) set default values of states by creation of new instances
(alcalzone) Fix "install npm" messages, upgrade node typings to v6
(bluefox) check if mem file could be read
(buzzy1337) fix calculation of kilobyte to megabyte and fix reading /proc/meminfo
(bluefox) Fix: Access to log files through admin does not work
(bluefox) fix redis disconnect
(bluefox) Update acme to V2 (#199 )
(bluefox) Improve deleteDevice (#186 )
(bluefox) fix cookie expiration
(alcalzone) several async and testing fixes
(bluefox) timeout for npm check added
(bluefox) fix "object chmod 777 777 javascript.0.*" command
(bluefox) do not send ready second time on reconnect db
(Apollon77, Bluefox) prevent defaultObj to be overwritten with normal common details
(bluefox) fix error if ID is empty
(bluefox) check id by setObject
(apollon77) Add amazon-dash to list of adapter to be installed with unsafe-perm
(bluefox) leave backitup enabled after restore
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