Invenio v1.0.4 is released
December 21, 2012
Invenio v1.0.4 was released on December 21, 2012.
This release fixes notably an installation problem in v1.0.3 that
ommitted a file from the release tarball. The release also introduces
two minor improvements. The release is recommended to all Invenio
sites using v1.0.2 or previous versions.
What's new:
*) installation: inclusion of JS quicktags in tarball
*) bibdocfile: better error report for unknown format
*) WebAccess: admin interface usability improvement
Installation notes:
Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball.
Upgrade notes:
If you are upgrading from Invenio v1.0.2, then:
a) Stop your bibsched queue and your Apache server.
b) Install the update:
$ tar xvfz invenio-1.0.4.tar.gz
$ cd invenio-1.0.4
$ sudo rsync -a /opt/invenio/etc/ /opt/invenio/etc.OLD/
$ sh /opt/invenio/etc/build/config.nice
$ make
$ make check-custom-templates
$ make update-v1.0.2-tables
$ sudo -u www-data make install
$ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --update-all
$ sudo rsync -a /opt/invenio/etc.OLD/ \
c) Update your jQuery tablesorter library:
$ sudo -u www-data make install-jquery-plugins
d) Restart your Apache server and your bibsched queue.
If you are upgrading from a previous Invenio release (notably from
v0.99 release series), then please see a dedicated Invenio Upgrade
wiki page at <http://invenio-software.org/wiki/Installation/Upgrade>.
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