VAST 12.0.0 Shipped Version
#117 Remove EsCodePageUtilitiesApp prereq from TonelFileSystem
#118 Methods that failed to compile should be updated when loading
#124 Use application manager/class owner when modifying ENVY records
#126 Add option to avoid writing extension methods using Monticello categories
#13 Cannot import a new application edition if the current user is not the manager of the app #13
#111 Add options to match versions of configuration maps
#112 Prerequisite comparison in Applications must use defined prerequisites
#113 Prerequisite modification should be optional
#114 Add option to avoid writing extension methods using Monticello syntax
#115 Rebuild namespaces after loading declaration methods
#116 readUtf8StreamDo: should allocate enough buffer size
#121 TonelLoaderStrategy instVars get reinitialized after copying them
#122 Applying an app suffix when loading a VAST app doesn't update the Application class name
You can’t perform that action at this time.