About me:
Current job (since March 2024): Python Backend Developer
- Python 3.9+
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- GraphQL
Previous job (4+ years): Java Backend + Desktop Developer
- Most used: Java 1.8, 11, 17
- Java EE, Spring, etc. for server side
- JavaFX, JFoenix for desktop
- PostgreSQL databases
Hobby Python developer since 2012-2013
Current projects:
The Dwarf Fortress fan localization project
- We develop tools for the localization and help enthisiasts with localization to different languages (there are about 20 languages with an active localization progress)
async-tkinter-loop module: https://github.com/insolor/async-tkinter-loop
- This is a small library which helps to use asynchronous code with tkinter GUI library for Python
Trying to revive the pymorphy2 project: https://github.com/pymorphy2-fork
- pymorphy2 is a morphological analyzer and an inflection engine for Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, and potentially it can be used for other slavic languages. Right now the original project is abandoned (see discussion), and I'm trying to continue it's development as a fork project.
Active stackoverflow.com contributor (mostly on ru.stackoverflow.com):
Participated in the localization of such applications as Poedit, Spyder IDE, Cutter and others. See my profile at crowdin.com.