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Welcome to the Ouroboros-network-ops Repository

Cardano is a decentralized third-generation proof-of-stake blockchain platform and home to the ada cryptocurrency. It is the first blockchain platform to evolve out of a scientific philosophy and a research-first driven approach.


The ouroboros-network-ops project serves as a cardano-node test cluster for the network team.

It utilizes flake-parts and re-usable nixosModules and flakeModules from cardano-parts.

Getting started

While working on the next step, you can already start the devshell using:

nix develop

This will be done automatically if you are using direnv and issue direnv allow.


Create an AWS user with your name and AdministratorAccess policy in the $REPO organization, then store your access key in ~/.aws/credentials under the profile name $REPO:

aws_access_key_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


While cluster secrets are handled using AWS KMS, per machine secrets are handled using sops-nix age. For sops-nix age secrets access, place the SRE cluster secret in ~/.age/credentials:

# $REPO: sre

If needed, a new secret can be generated with age-keygen.


If your credentials are correct, and the cluster is already bootstrapped with openTofu infrastructure, you will be able to access SSH after creating an ./.ssh_config using:

just save-ssh-config

With that you can then get started with:

# Listing machines
just list-machines

# Ssh to machines
just ssh $MACHINE

# Finding other operations recipes to use
just --list


We bootstrap our infrastructure using AWS Cloudformation, it creates resources like S3 Buckets, a DNS Zone, KMS key, and OpenTofu state storage.

The distinction of what is managed by Cloudformation and OpenTofu is not very strict, but generally anything that is not of the mentioned resource types will go into OpenTofu since they are harder to configure and reuse otherwise.

All configuration is in ./flake/cloudFormation/terraformState.nix

We use Rain to apply the configuration. There is a wrapper that evaluates the config and deploys it:

just cf terraformState

When arranging DNS zone delegation, the nameservers to delegate to are shown with:

just show-nameservers


We use OpenTofu to create AWS instances, roles, profiles, policies, Route53 records, EIPs, security groups, and similar.

All monitoring dashboards, alerts and recording rules are configured in ./flake/opentofu/grafana.nix

All other cluster resource configuration is in ./flake/opentofu/cluster.nix

The wrapper to setup the state, workspace, evaluate the config, and run tofu for cluster resources is:

just tofu [cluster] plan
just tofu [cluster] apply

Similarly, for monitoring resources:

just tofu grafana plan
just tofu grafana apply


To deploy changes on an OS level, we use the excellent Colmena.

All colmena configuration is in ./flake/colmena.nix.

To deploy a machine:

just apply $MACHINE


Secrets are encrypted using SOPS and KMS.

All secrets live in ./secrets/

You should be able to edit a KMS or sops age secret using:

sops ./secrets/github-token.enc

Or simply decrypt a KMS or sops age secret with:

sops -d ./secrets/github-token.enc

See also the just sops-<encrypt|decrypt>-binary recipes for encrypting or decrypting age binary blobs.


Grafana monitoring of nodes managed by the networking team is available here

Modify grafana dashboard

Grafana templates are available here. Note that one can modify a dashboard in Grafana, download the JSON model and commit it in this repo.


ssh to dev-deployer, go to ouroboros-network-ops directory and execute:

just tf grafana apply

Updating the Deployment

This deployment uses cardano-parts, which periodically releases new features and cardano-node versions. Therefore, it’s necessary to update the cardano-parts version in this repository. This section provides a step-by-step guide to perform the update.

Environment Setup

Before starting, ensure that you have the appropriate environment:

  • Using the dev-deployer machine: The direnv tool will automatically load the Nix development shell.

  • Using a local copy: If working from a local repository, run the following command to enable the necessary Nix features:

    nix --extra-experimental-features fetch-closure develop

    Note: Updating from the dev-deployer machine is recommended because you can immediately test the changes. However, updating from a local copy makes opening a PR easier, as the dev-deployer machine lacks GitHub credentials.

    Note: For those working regularly in this repo, it may be worth mentioning that the fetch-closure experimental feature can be added to the nix.conf file so it doesn't need to be included manually on the cli each time. This would then also allow using direnv to automatically load the nix develop default shell when entering the local repo directory.

Step 1: Check Current cardano-parts Version

To check the current version of cardano-parts, run:

nix flake metadata | grep cardano-parts

This command will return an output similar to the following:

├───cardano-parts: github:input-output-hk/cardano-parts/01f54d8feac449f846f33988f7d74711a1b856da
│   │   ├───nixpkgs follows input 'cardano-parts/nixpkgs'
│   │   ├───nixpkgs follows input 'cardano-parts/nixpkgs'
│   │   │   └───nixpkgs follows input 'cardano-parts/haskell-nix/hydra/nix/nixpkgs'
│   │   ├───nixpkgs follows input 'cardano-parts/haskell-nix/nixpkgs-unstable'
│   │   └───stackage follows input 'cardano-parts/empty-flake'
│       └───nixpkgs follows input 'cardano-parts/nixpkgs'
├───flake-parts follows input 'cardano-parts/flake-parts'
├───nixpkgs follows input 'cardano-parts/nixpkgs'
└───nixpkgs-unstable follows input 'cardano-parts/nixpkgs-unstable'

At the time of writing, the repository uses the cardano-parts revision 01f54d8feac449f846f33988f7d74711a1b856da.

Step 2: Identify the Associated PR

To see which pull request (PR) corresponds to the current revision:

  1. Visit the cardano-parts main commits page.
  2. Locate the commit that matches your current revision, or go directly to the commit URL for the current version.

For example, revision 01f54d8feac449f846f33988f7d74711a1b856da corresponds to PR #48.

Step 3: Review Following PRs

Once you’ve identified the current PR, determine which PRs have been merged since. For instance, PR #48 is followed by the unfinished PR #49.

We'll focus on updating based on the latest merged PR (#48).

Step 4: Update cardano-parts Version

To update cardano-parts to the latest version, run:

nix flake update cardano-parts

This updates to the latest version from the main branch. If you want to point to a specific branch or revision, manually update the flake.nix file. After updating, you can use the following commands to verify changes:

  • Run menu to confirm that the cardano-node version has changed.
  • Run just to list useful commands.

Step 5: Apply Changes from the PR

Review the PR details for any changes or recommendations. For example, PR #48 modifies the following files:

Justfile                                                                # Adds IPv6 recipe support
flake/colmena.nix                                                       # Adds staticIpv6 declaration
flake/opentofu/cluster.nix                                              # Adds IPv6 Terraform support
flake/opentofu/grafana/alerts/cardano-node-divergence.nix-import        # Updates alerts for new tracing metrics
flake/opentofu/grafana/alerts/cardano-node-forge.nix-import             # Updates alerts for new tracing metrics
flake/opentofu/grafana/alerts/cardano-node-quality.nix-import           # Updates alerts for new tracing metrics
flake/opentofu/grafana/alerts/cardano-node.nix-import                   # Updates alerts for new tracing metrics
flake/opentofu/grafana/dashboards/cardano-node-new-tracing.json         # Updates dashboard for new tracing metrics
flake/opentofu/grafana/dashboards/cardano-node-p2p-new-tracing.json     # Updates dashboard for new tracing metrics
flake/opentofu/grafana/dashboards/cardano-performance-new-tracing.json  # Updates dashboard for new tracing metrics

Focus on inspecting changes to flake/colmena.nix and flake/cluster.nix, as these are important. Use the following commands to review and apply changes:

  • To diff a file, use:

    just template-diff "$FILE"
  • To apply changes if the diff looks correct, use:

    just template-patch "$FILE"

For other files, you can clone them directly by running:

just template-clone "$FILE"

Note: Some files listed in the PR may not exist in your deployment. These can typically be ignored unless explicitly mentioned in the PR description.

Step 6: Apply the Changes

After updating the necessary files, apply the changes with:

just apply

For specific machines, use something similar to:

just apply "'mainnet*'"

Important: If changes were made to opentofu or grafana files, you also need to run:

just tf grafana apply

Important: If changes were made to cluster resources changes, such as aws ec2, route53, etc:

just tf apply # or just tf cluster apply

Final Step: Create a PR

After successfully applying the changes, open a PR with the updated files. Remember: If you're working from the dev-deployer machine, do not commit the ips-DONT-COMMIT file.

## Customize deployment

Nix is a wonderful declarative configuration language, but it can be tricky to
understand where things come from due to it being untyped, all the implicit
arguments and abstraction layers. This section explains how one can update the
deployment to run a custom `cardano-node` version or a custom `cardano-node`

### Custom `cardano-node` Version

The configuration entry point is the `./flake.nix` file, which defines inputs
and outputs for the deployment. Currently, the file includes local pins for
customizations, as shown below:

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.follows = "cardano-parts/nixpkgs";
    nixpkgs-unstable.follows = "cardano-parts/nixpkgs-unstable";
    flake-parts.follows = "cardano-parts/flake-parts";
    cardano-parts.url = "github:input-output-hk/cardano-parts";

    # Local pins for additional customization:
    cardano-node-8-12-2.url = "github:IntersectMBO/cardano-node/8.12.2";
    iohk-nix-8-12-2.url = "github:input-output-hk/iohk-nix/577f4d5072945a88dda6f5cfe205e6b4829a0423";

To add a custom node version, simply include a new input pointing to the desired branch or revision. If you're using an older cardano-node version, you might also need to pin an appropriate version of iohk-nix.

Step 1: Modify flake.nix

Add your custom inputs in the flake.nix file. For example, to add a custom cardano-node version:

  cardano-node-<version>.url = "github:<your-organization>/cardano-node/<version>";

If needed, also add the corresponding iohk-nix pin for compatibility with older versions.

The flake.lock file needs to be updated if the <version> changes. This can be done with:

nix flake update cardano-node-<version>

Step 2: Update colmena.nix

Next, update the ./flake/colmena.nix file, which contains the configuration for each individual machine. Create a new variable for your custom node version, for example:

node8-12-2 = {
  imports = [
      cardano-parts.perNode = {
        lib.cardanoLib = config.flake.cardano-parts.pkgs.special.cardanoLibCustom inputs.iohk-nix-8-12-2 "x86_64-linux";
        pkgs = {

This is based on the default node configuration, with custom inputs for the specified node version.

Step 3: Create Custom Configurations (Optional)

If you don’t need to include previous cardano-node versions, you can simplify the configuration by omitting unused packages. For example:

node-tx-submission = {
  imports = [
    # Base cardano-node service

    # Config for cardano-node group deployments
      cardano-parts.perNode = {
        pkgs = {

You'll require to update `./flake.nix` file to include such an input.

Step 4: Update Machine Configurations

Once the custom node variable is instantiated, update the machine configurations. At the end of the ./flake/colmena.nix file, you'll see entries similar to:

mainnet1-rel-au-1 = {imports = [au m6i-xlarge (ebs 300) (group "mainnet1") node rel topoAu];};
mainnet1-rel-br-1 = {imports = [br m6i-xlarge (ebs 300) (group "mainnet1") node rel topoBr];};
mainnet1-rel-eu3-1 = {imports = [eu3 m6i-xlarge (ebs 300) (group "mainnet1") node-tx-submission rel topoEu3];};
mainnet1-rel-jp-1 = {imports = [jp m6i-xlarge (ebs 300) (group "mainnet1") node rel topoJp];};
mainnet1-rel-sa-1 = {imports = [sa m6i-xlarge (ebs 300) (group "mainnet1") node rel topoSa];};
mainnet1-rel-sg-1 = {imports = [sg m6i-xlarge (ebs 300) (group "mainnet1") node rel topoSg];};
mainnet1-rel-us1-1 = {imports = [us1 m6i-xlarge (ebs 300) (group "mainnet1") node-tx-submission rel topoUs1];};
mainnet1-rel-us2-1 = {imports = [us2 m6i-xlarge (ebs 300) (group "mainnet1") node-tx-submission rel topoUs2];};

Here, I've replaced node with node-tx-submission for the machines where that configuration is required. You should make similar substitutions as needed for your deployment.

Step 5: Customize as Needed

If you want to adjust any configuration parameters, this section of the file is where you should make changes. Update the machine definitions as necessary to meet your specific requirements.


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