Cryptocurrency wallet that has all the standard features and even a little more. See docs.
npm i encode-mnemonic-wallet
Wallet.generateMnemonic() : string;
Wallet.fromPrivateKey(key : string) : Promise<Wallet>;
Wallet.fromSeed(seed : string) : Promise<Wallet>;
Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic : string) : Promise<Wallet>;
Wallet.fromProtectedMnemonic(mnemonic : string, password : string) : Promise<Wallet>;
Wallet.createWallet() : Promise<WalletInfo>;
Wallet.createProtectedWallet(password : string) : Promise<WalletInfo>;
let wallet = Wallet.fromMnemonic('...');
For access to this methods - you must use
send(amount : number, toAddress : string) : Promise<string>;
sendToken(contract : Contract, amount : number, toAddress : string) : Promise<string>;
createSendTransaction(amount : number, toAddress : string) : Promise<TransactionInterface>;
createSendTokenTransaction(contract : Contract, amount : number, toAddress : string) : Promise<TransactionInterface>;
getBalanceToken(contract : Contract) : Promise<number>;
getBalance() : Promise<number>;
signTransaction(transaction : TransactionInterface) : Promise<any>;
sendTransaction(transaction : TransactionInterface) : Promise<string>;
sendSignedTransaction(signedTransaction : any) : Promise<string>;
let bscContract = new BscContract(address : string, abi : any);
let ethContract = new EthContract(address : string, abi : any);
let trxContract = new TrxContract(address : string, abi : any);
import {EthTokens, TrxTokens, BscTokens} from 'encode-mnemonic-wallet';
We are so afraid for our mnemonic phrases (12 words), but why not just protect your wallet with a password (salt)?
Even if your phrase is stolen from you, it will be useless without a password.
let test = await Wallet.createProtectedWallet('1234');
mnemonic: 'dad novel inject measure venture doctor armor elevator spare debris pizza call',
privateKey: 'baf1f79a16ba2c0687ce49c2eb0237bc549002d9f0d04fc2c56192b85c6e4a56',
trxAddress: 'TFdU1iDGsFHhtyJKA39joKG296as6dzwz7',
bscAddress: '0x3e14F75a8B78239d2c40Fa58Fc386f94Ca80FE22',
ethAddress: '0x3e14F75a8B78239d2c40Fa58Fc386f94Ca80FE22'
Imagine that a mnemonic phrase was stolen from you. An attacker is trying to enter your wallet through third-party crypto wallets.
let usualWallet = await Wallet.fromMnemonic('dad novel inject measure venture doctor armor elevator spare debris pizza call');
It's useless, it's not your wallet:
Only your password will allow access to your wallet.
let encodeWallet = await Wallet.fromProtectedMnemonic('dad novel inject measure venture doctor armor elevator spare debris pizza call', '1234');
After receiving the private key, you can also use it to enter third-party crypto wallets. Your private key = your money.