- Start up tmate session, so you can run TMATE code blocks here and see them execute in that session.
- Run shell code blocks that execute on the remote session, but whose results show up here.
- create links within here to the ssh’ed box and be int hat ssh session within an emacs buffer.
- tangle files to the remote machine, instead of on a local directory.
We want to change The dir property in our header. and The hostname in our footer to be wherever we are remoting into. You don’t need to change anything else.
We need to take a look at the remote home folder: /ssh:[email protected]:/home/kind
echo hello remote world
kind build base-image
kind build base-image
kind create cluster
kind create cluster
ssh -tAX [email protected] \
tmate -S /tmp/$USER.kind-ci-box.iisocket new-session -A -s kind -n emacs \
\"tmate wait tmate-ready \&\& sleep 2 \&\& \
echo \\\`tmate display -p \'#{tmate_ssh}\'\\\` \\\# left \
\| xclip -i -sel p -f \| xclip -i -sel c \&\& \
emacs -nw org/sigs.k8s.io/kind/kind-ci-box.org\"
ssh -tAX [email protected] \
tmate -S /tmp/kind.kind-ci-box.iisocket new-session -A -s kind -n main \
\"tmate wait tmate-ready \&\& sleep 2 \&\& \
echo \\\`tmate display -p \'#{tmate_ssh}\'\\\` \\\# right \
\| xclip -i -sel p -f \| xclip -i -sel c \&\& \
bash --login\"