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Used the same logic as the qb-shops so the config is self explanatory.
( For any help you can reach us at Discord: Hi-Dev )
- Easy to setup items
- Multiple blackmarkets supported
- Random or fixed locations (when random, location changes after each script restart)
- Multiple checks for inventory size and slot limits
- Localisation : Translated to languages ; English, Dutch and Turkish
- Ability to open the shop with a configured item
- Ability to use black money (markedbills or other itemname) or Q-Bit as payment method
- When using the blackmoney option, you can add a multiplier to the price if you want to sell items for more when paid by blackmoney.
- Random item option, if you set this on true your blackmarket will get a random item from your list. If you have disabled random location then all your markets will get different random items.
- Option to use a timer for changing the location of the black market after X amount of minutes
- Optional minigames to wiretap and get the blackmarket location
V2 video : https://youtu.be/xE6KSBT2DzI
Item needed:
["crocodile_clips"] = {["name"] = "crocodile_clips", ["label"] = "Crocodile Clips", ["weight"] = 150, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "crocodile_clips.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Do some wiring work..", },
item image:
This is an edited version of jim-shops Wire minigame : minigameFixWiring