Harald von Waldow <[email protected]> | Bas Crezee | Nicolas Piaget
How to use it - Instructors
How to use it - Learners
Format | Audience | Duration | Bonus Material | Feedback | License
The lectures mostly consist of IPython Notebooks. There is an "Intro" slide-deck and one related to Exercise 3 in the folder "slides".
Python novices who should have programming experience in other languages. A number of examples and problems are drawn from the field of Atmospheric Dynamics and Climate Impact Research.
An eight hour day. This is enough time to cover Exercises 1 through 4.
Exercise 5 is not really an exercise but rather a very explicit walk
through the solution of a real world problem that combines several
powerful packages. This Notebook uses PIL
, Cartopy
, matplotlib
, requests
, Pandas
to solve a GIS-like problem. This
Notebook could form the basis of a final exercise in an advanced
workshop that deals with the visualization of geocoded data.
Exercise 6 are some basic (and rather simple) Python coding exercises. In previous workshops they got not so stellar marks in the evaluation. They are left so that interested participants can use them on their own.
In case you have a computer lab at your hands that fulfills some basic requirements, we recommend that you have a look at the ready-made, robust, and well tested setup procedure here.
In case you have not, you want to set up the participant's computers individually (or have them do the setup) as explained in the section below.
We found that the material provided by Software Carpentry is an extremely useful resource, in particular when it comes to workshop organization and teaching skills.
git clone https://github.com/C2SM/pyws-BE-15-2-26.git <pyws-directory>
in case you are familiar with the command line and have git installed.
Otherwise download the
and unpack. This will yield a directory pyws-15-2-26-master
, that
contains everything. Feel free to rename that directory to anything
you want (<pyws-directory>) in the following.
These recommendations were changed (2015-04-13).
Realizing the difficulties that might arise due to interactions of system - Python and workshop - Python -- even if using a virtualenvironment, we now recommend for all OS (Windows, OS X, Linux) the Anaconda Python distribution. Next to a quick setup to work with the tutorial material, this also provides you with a very comprehensive environment of the latest Python packages, suited for almost all tasks. (h/t Chris Barker).
Download Anaconda: http://continuum.io/downloads Use Python 2.7 (as opposed to 3.4)
Open the "Anaconda Command Prompt" (Windows) or or just a terminal window (OS X, Linux).
Update conda and anaconda with the latest packages:
conda update conda conda update anaconda
Install some additional packages:
conda install basemap conda install netCDF4 pip install urllib3 pip install python-magic conda install shapely pip install pyshp pip install cartopy pip install cdo
In case one of the
pip install
commands above fails (because your machine is not set up to do the necessary build), look for a binary distribution using binstar, e.g.binstar search cartopy
Launch the "Anaconda Ipython Notebook" (Windows), or simpy type
ipython notebook --pylab=inline
at the command prompt (OS X, Linux) and navigate to the exercises.
The binstar channel https://conda.binstar.org/ioos is worth a closer look. It contains around 100 packages contributed by the U.S. IOOS Integrated Ocean Observing System community. Not just for this tutorial, but also to see what other geoscientists are using.
Have fun!
execute the setup script:
cd <pyws-directory>
chmod u+x setup.sh
This will create (download, compile, install) a "virtual environment",
that is a python-interpreter and all necessary library packages into
the directory <pyws-directory>/venv
. It is a neat way to organize
Python projects and makes you independent of the system - Python
installation. The virtual environment will take up about 350 MB. The
only requirement for this to work is that you already have any (well,
>=2.6) version of Python installed system-wide that includes the
package. Also
building the necessary modules requires your system to have the
build-tool-chain (compilers, etc.) installed. This should be no issue
for all stock Linux distributions.
Activate the virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Start the notebook:
ipython notebook --pylab=inline
I would be very happy to hear from you (mail to [email protected]) in case you give this course a chance, be it as an instructor (who maybe mixes parts of this workshop with her own material), as a learner who attended one of our workshops, or as independent learner who uses this material for self-study.
Particularly welcome are problem reports, errors, criticism.
The material in this repository is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.