This repo of cookbooks is now deprecated. All provisioning code is now in hubdrop/vagrant
using Ansible.
HubDrop is more than the app, it is also the server configuration. To create a hubdrop server, the hubdrop::default
recipe is used: hubdrop/recipes/default.rb
To develop these cookbooks you need:
Install with:
$ sudo apt-get install chef
This Repo
- Cloned to ~/Repos/hubdrop/cookbooks (or your preferred folder.)
- Symlink from /var/chef/cookbooks -> ~/Repos/hubdrop/cookbooks
Community Cookbooks
Whenever possible, we should use the community cookbooks. To add other cookbooks, you can now use knife to install community cookbooks:
$ knife cookbook site download php
$ knife cookbook site install php
When installing on a brand new server (without Vagrant) you need to manually install chef:
curl -L | sudo bash
Then, run the first chef-solo command. See the next section: Cookbook UPdates
To use chef-solo, we must use remotely available cookbooks.tar.gz and attributes.json files in order to deploy updates to the server.
We're deploying with chef-solo, which can use a tar.gz to get it's cookbooks. To update the server, update the tar.gz and push it to GitHub.
There is a script you can use to package up the cookbooks and push to github:
$ cd ~/Repos/hubdrop/cookbooks
$ sh
The attributes for the server are be loaded directly from GitHub. Once the cookbooks tar is pushed and available on remotely, run:
$ chef-solo -j -r