Restic role manifest for puppet in a foreman environment. Creates:
- config files, exclude file, password file , and scripts for manual restic commands, cron driven usage and sensu checks in /opt/restic
- cronjob for backup with loging in /var/log/restic
- logrotate for restic logs
- sensu check is exported to the localhost and can be picked up by sensu monitoring
- pre backup scripts for mysql, postgresql and samba
All parameters are read from defaults in init.pp and can be overwritten by hiera or The foreman
# general options
$restic_aws_access_key = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
$restic_aws_access_key = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
$restic_azure_account_name = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
$restic_azure_account_key = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
$restic_password = "backuppassword",
$restic_aws_repo = "s3:",
$restic_upload_limit = '204800',
$restic_download_limit = '204800',
$restic_path = '/opt/restic',
$restic_binary = 'restic_0.9.2_linux_amd64',
$restic_download_url = '',
$restic_pre_command = '',
$restic_keep_prune_job = true,
$restic_keep_prune_job_random = true, # if enabled a random hour will be taken in which a prune and forget job wil run instead of backup.
$restic_keep_prune_job_hour = 10, # hour when random = false
$restic_keep_last = 60, # restic forget options
$restic_keep_within_duration = '60d', # restic forget options
$restic_disable_during_prune = true, # disable running backups during prune_job_hour and prune_job_hour+1
$restic_enable_swap = false, # enables the use of a temporary swapfile which might help with out of memory issues
$restic_swap_size = '2G',
$restic_swap_location = '/tmp/.swapfile',
$restic_time_between_backup = '1',
$restic_time_between_hourlybackup = 'yesterday',
# default check options
$chkwarninghours = 26,
$chkcriticalhours = 48,
$chkmaxruntimehours = 48,
# backup options
$mysqlbackup = false,
$sambabackup = false,
$pgsqlbackup = false,
$pgsqlprebackupvacuum = false,
$cron = false,
$mysqldatabasearray = ['db1', 'db2'],
$pgsqlbackupuser = 'postgres',
$pgsqlalldatabases = true,
$pgsqldatabasearray = ['db1', 'db2'],
$backuprootfolder = '/var/backup',
$mysqlbackupuser = 'backupuser',
$mysqlbackuppassword = 'backupuserpwd',
$mysqlalldatabases = true,
$mysqlfileperdatabase = true,
$mysqlshowcompatibility56 = true, # needed for most mysql install on ubuntu 16.04LTS
$cronminute = '*/20', # cronminute is ignored then $cronrandom is true
$cronrandom = true, # randomize minute 0-59 for spreading backups every hour
$cronhour = '*', # if cronhour = * then time_between_hourlybackup is active else time_between_backup is used,.
$restic_backup_path = '/',
$exclude_list = [
$docker = false,
$docker_container = "dockerapp_db_1",
# restore options
$restorescript = false,
$restorefromclient = undef,
$restoreinclude = '/var/backup',
$post_restore_command = '',
$pre_restore_command = '',
$restorecron = false,
$restorecronminute = '0',
$restorecronhour = '5',
$restorecronweekday = '0',
$restorecronmonthday = '*',
#monitoring options
$sensu_check = true,
- restic
Configurable cron run Restic installation including monitoring scripts.
This module has been built on and tested against Puppet 4 and higher.
The module has been tested on:
- Ubuntu 16.04LTS
Author Name [email protected]