What's Changed
- feat: initial release, c# boilerplate code by @Aniyikaye-Alabi in #1
- Feat/structure boiler plate project by @NdubuisiJr in #2
- Feat/setup testing for dotnet by @NdubuisiJr in #4
- ci: 🚀 Automated Installation and Configuration Script HNG C# Web Server by @alexindevs in #12
- Add Build Workflow (Devops) by @daredev0504 in #15
- added dev, prod, and stage workflow and script by @harfoh in #17
- build(stage): fix systemd service reference by @obiMadu in #20
- chore: rename stage-deploy.yml to staging-deploy.yml by @DestinedCodes in #23
- build: add https setup to initscript by @obiMadu in #25
- chore: add security policy by @DestinedCodes in #29
- Updating main branch with Unit test setup by @NdubuisiJr in #18
- ci: create dependabot.yml by @DestinedCodes in #30
- ci(dependabot): fix typo in nuget by @DestinedCodes in #31
- build(deps): bump Swashbuckle.AspNetCore from 6.4.0 to 6.6.2 by @dependabot in #35
- build(deps): bump Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Containers.Tools.Targets from 1.19.6 to 1.21.0 by @dependabot in #34
- build(deps): bump MySql.EntityFrameworkCore from 8.0.2 to 8.0.5 by @dependabot in #33
- build(deps): bump Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore from 8.0.6 to 8.0.7 by @dependabot in #32
- Create test workflow file (devops) by @daredev0504 in #38
- Enforce Conventional Commit Messages Using Git Hooks by @alexindevs in #40
- build(deps): bump Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design from 8.0.6 to 8.0.7 by @dependabot in #41
- DB Changes by @chimaihueze in #51
- /logs route for displaying application logs implementation. by @ubongedem78 in #49
- Improver Server initialization script by @DestinedCodes in #54
- build: make PR template by @obiMadu in #60
- init Staging by @DestinedCodes in #62
- Initialize Production by @DestinedCodes in #63
- fix(mapper): fixed issue with mapping. now works well. by @chimaihueze in #68
- Chore/architecture refining by @NdubuisiJr in #80
- build(deps): bump Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools from 8.0.6 to 8.0.7 by @dependabot in #79
- ci(deploy): no restore during build and publish by @DestinedCodes in #82
- Feat(Authentication): Implement Base Infrastructure Required for Authentication by @Godhanded in #90
- feat: organization - create organization by @chimaihueze in #93
- feat: Moved Swagger UI to /docs by @Ace2489 in #95
- bugfix(docs): Resolved the issue of Doc not pupolating by @kenelight4u in #98
- [FIX]: Users - Removed Redundant Endpoints, DTOs, Commands, Handlers by @chimaihueze in #99
- build(deps): bump MediatR from 12.3.0 to 12.4.0 by @dependabot in #100
- feat: organization - get organization by id by @chimaihueze in #103
- [Feat] Product - Product table refactor by @dmendie in #92
- feat: authentication - user login by @ZEEZKING in #109
- feat: Implement Complete Transaction Flow (Webhook URL) and Verify Transaction by @kenelight4u in #115
- feat(auth): user-sign-up by @Jideco in #120
- fix(authentication) user-sign-up by @Jideco in #125
- Enhance Commit Message Validation for Conventional Commits by @DestinedCodes in #126
- feat(product): delete product by id, product category listing by @dmendie in #124
- feat: created initialize transaction endpoint by @dorisjenny27 in #117
- feat: get product by ID by @droffilc1 in #121
- feat: Add generic response dtos by @dorisjenny27 in #131
- Prevent Deployment on Fork Repositories for Dev, Staging, and Production by @DestinedCodes in #130
- feat: Subscription DB Schema by @kenelight4u in #151
- feat: job - create job by @chimaihueze in #144
- [Feat] Implement Complete Transaction Flow (Webhook URL) and Verify Transaction by @kenelight4u in #155
- Feat(Product): Edit Product with TimeStamp by @Reliable25 in #152
- feat: added create product endpoint by @Juninhotech in #157
- feat: jobs - get job by id by @chimaihueze in #158
- [Feat]: SuperAdmin - Implement API endpoint to list registered users by @dmendie in #154
- feat: implement Google OAuth login by @ZEEZKING in #159
- [Feat] Implement Complete Transaction Flow Initiate, Webhook Transactions for Paid Subscription Plan by @kenelight4u in #164
- Feat(NewsLetterSubscription):Subscribe to newsletter and product fix by @Godhanded in #166
- [Feat] Implement Create Subscription Endpoint with Free Plan by @kenelight4u in #165
- feat: jobs - get all job listings by @chimaihueze in #163
- feat: add cors policy, by @dorisjenny27 in #167
- fix(Auth): Change google auth route by @Godhanded in #172
- feat: jobs - delete job by id by @chimaihueze in #171
- fix(Auth): fix authentication response body for ui, fix missing migration for models by @Godhanded in #174
- Feature/GetSubscriptionByUserId and OrganizationId145 by @dorisjenny27 in #173
- Feat: Implement email service by @Ace2489 in #176
- Fix(db):fix repeated jobs migration by @Godhanded in #179
- feat: blogs - create blog by @chimaihueze in #178
- feat: implemented activate subscription by @AlakaTahir in #160
- feat: created endpoints to get email templates by @Ace2489 in #181
- feat: update password endpoint by @kenelight4u in #182
- feat: Get Blog By Id, Get Blogs and Delete Blog by ID by @chimaihueze in #184
- feat(notification): Implement Post Endpoint for Notification Settings by @Reliable25 in #188
- feat: added metrics endpoint for prometheus monitoring by @alexindevs in #191
- [FEAT] Implement Backend for Notification Settings by @Reliable25 in #190
- feat: Create email templates by @Ace2489 in #189
- [FEAT] Implement Backend for Get User Notification Settings by @Reliable25 in #195
- feat: Added pagination to email templates by @Ace2489 in #198
- feat: Get Transactions By UserId by @dorisjenny27 in #194
- Feature/get subscriptions by @AlakaTahir in #199
- feat(auth): implement Facebook login by @ZEEZKING in #192
- feat: get all product implemented by @AlakaTahir in #201
- fix: blogs - fixed issues with requests, responses, protection, author, etc by @chimaihueze in #203
- chore(Documentation): Make swagger accessible outside dev environment by @Godhanded in #206
- feat: comments - create and add comment to blog by @chimaihueze in #208
- [Feat] Implement Product Search and Filter by Name by @Reliable25 in #211
- Feat(roles&permissions): implement features for Organisation user Roles and Permissions by @Godhanded in #214
- feat: comments - get comments by blog id by @chimaihueze in #216
- fix(roles&permissions): fix repeated route resource name for roles endpoints by @Godhanded in #217
- feat(notification): Create notification by @Reliable25 in #220
- feat(FAQ): Implement Create Read Update Delete FAQ functionality by @ZEEZKING in #222
- feat(Profile Settings): Implement User Profile Update with Image Handling by @kenelight4u in #224
- fix(migration):fix migration errors from production by @Godhanded in #225
- fix(Authentication): fix google auth | fix access_token position by @Godhanded in #228
- chore(authentication): enable user organisation creation upon registration in google auth and regular signup by @Godhanded in #229
- feat(notification): Get notification by @Reliable25 in #227
- ci(docker): Dockerize application for dev, staging, and production environments by @DestinedCodes in #235
- feat(products): add multiple products main dashboard by @AlakaTahir in #234
- feat(transactions): Get Transactions By ProductId by @dorisjenny27 in #197
- Feat(products): get products for user by @AlakaTahir in #236
- feat: blogs - update blog by @chimaihueze in #238
- fix: docker-compose.prod.yml by @DestinedCodes in #246
- Update docker-compose.yml by @DestinedCodes in #248
- Pr deploy by @mroluwasesan in #254
- feat(HelpCenter):Implement CRUD and Search functionalities for Help Center Topics by @ZEEZKING in #242
- feat: Create Timezone Endpoint by @dorisjenny27 in #244
- feat(product): Create product for admin by @Reliable25 in #256
- feat(timezone): update timezone endpoint by @dorisjenny27 in #258
- feat: Get All Timezones Endpoint by @dorisjenny27 in #252
- fix: Updated UserResponseDto mapping to include organizations by @ZEEZKING in #257
- feat: create invite links to join an organisation by @Ace2489 in #259
- feat(product): Get all product for admin by @Reliable25 in #260
- fix(Products): fix seeder service error when seeding product entities by @Godhanded in #261
- feat(notification): Mark notification as read for single and all noti… by @Reliable25 in #263
- feat: implement billing plan endpoints by @dorisjenny27 in #265
- feat(Profile Picture) - Profile (both Picture) Update by @kenelight4u in #264
- feat: user - switch user organisation by @chimaihueze in #266
- fix(FAQ): Correct FAQ request and response by @ZEEZKING in #262
- fix: user - fixed the route for switch user organisation by @chimaihueze in #268
- feat: create and send invite links by @Ace2489 in #267
- Merge dev branch to staging by @alexindevs in #269
- fix: match Swagger docs to actual invite responses for OrganizationInvite by @Ace2489 in #274
- Fix: Resolve Issues in GoogleLoginCommandShould and LoginLoginCommandShould by @ZEEZKING in #277
- Revert "Fix: Resolve Issues in GoogleLoginCommandShould and LoginLoginCommandShould" by @Godhanded in #278
- chore(profile picture): made some changes in profile picture update by @kenelight4u in #276
- feat(notification): clear notifications by @Reliable25 in #275
- feat: invite links with valid links by @Ace2489 in #280
- Implement Dashboard Overview API by @AlakaTahir in #282
- fix: fixed null issues when fetching an organisation that does not ex… by @chimaihueze in #283
- refactor: organisation - refactored responses and status codes. by @chimaihueze in #284
- fix: fixed failing test for status codes by @chimaihueze in #285
- [FEAT] Sales Trend Data Integration by @AlakaTahir in #288
- ci: decontainerization by @alexindevs in #292
- Feat(Dashboard): Navigation Section Data Handling by @AlakaTahir in #291
- Feat(Faq): API documentation for FaqController and refactor endpoints by @ZEEZKING in #286
- Merge: merge branch dev to staging by @alexindevs in #293
- fix: fix request and response bodies to meet standards by @chimaihueze in #295
- Merge: merge branch dev to staging (#293) by @alexindevs in #294
- feat(permissions): Set up User Role Permissions, expose get all permissions endpoint by @Godhanded in #296
- Feat: Add documentation in HelpCenterTopicController by @ZEEZKING in #297
- fix: fix issues with organisation creation by @chimaihueze in #298
- chore(profile): Remove Email from the request body and added Department on Profile Entity by @kenelight4u in #299
- fix: fixed errors with IRequest by @chimaihueze in #300
- fix: organisation - fix issues with get organisation by id response by @chimaihueze in #301
- feat: move invite links path to match standards by @Ace2489 in #302
- feat: modify model-state error responses to conform to API standards by @Ace2489 in #303
- [Feat] Implement Download Functionality for Dashboard Overview by @AlakaTahir in #305
- fea(getuserdetails&AssignRole): expose assign role endpoint | get details of currently liogged in user by @Godhanded in #307
- feat: Add Endpoints For Category Management by @dorisjenny27 in #308
- feat: accept invites to join an organisation by @Ace2489 in #310
- feat: Implement Last Login User endpoint by @ZEEZKING in #309
- feat(forgot-password): added forgot-password and reset password endpoint by @kenelight4u in #311
- feat(forgot-password): added forgot-password and reset password endpoint for Mobile by @kenelight4u in #312
- chore(forgot-password): clean up controller responses by @kenelight4u in #313
- feat(organization): Get all organization users by @Reliable25 in #314
- feat: unique invite links for organisations by @Ace2489 in #316
- fix: fixes for invitations by @Ace2489 in #317
- feat: newly created user is added to the organisation if they are invited by @Ace2489 in #318
- fix: blogs - fixed response body for get blog by id by @chimaihueze in #322
- chore(forgot-password): change request body to snake case by @kenelight4u in #321
- feat(Roles$permissions): Allow updating permissions when updating a role by @Godhanded in #325
- feat: Update logout endpoint . by @ZEEZKING in #315
- Revert "feat: Update logout endpoint ." by @Godhanded in #326
- Revert "Revert "feat: Update logout endpoint ."" by @Godhanded in #327
- chore (reset-password) - Make changes to reset and forgot password for FE by @kenelight4u in #323
- fix: alter the generated documentation for email-template routes to b… by @Ace2489 in #333
- ci: dockerization by @alexindevs in #334
- Merge dev into staging by @alexindevs in #332
- edit ci files by @alexindevs in #335
- merge dev into staging by @alexindevs in #336
- feat(organization): Delete organization by org id and user id by @Reliable25 in #331
- fix: fixed activate subscription by @AlakaTahir in #340
- temp: move email service to background thread by @Ace2489 in #338
- Feat/user subscription by @Reliable25 in #341
- Synced with dev by @Godhanded in #339
- chore: remove email from profile(picture) update by @kenelight4u in #342
- Sync staging to dev by @Godhanded in #343
- feat: ApiStatus database Configuration by @kenelight4u in #344
- Feat : Implementation GetAllAPIStatus endpoint by @ZEEZKING in #346
- feat: Implement Endpoints for Language Management by @dorisjenny27 in #345
- fix: fix requests and response bodies for Jobs feature by @chimaihueze in #348
- feat: Implement create api status endpoint by @dorisjenny27 in #347
- feat: Refactor email service to use Redis channels by @Ace2489 in #349
- fix: fixed dashboard by @AlakaTahir in #355
- chore: api status cleanup by @kenelight4u in #357
- feat: Add email notification on user signup by @ZEEZKING in #352
- Synced dev to staging by @Godhanded in #350
- fix(Blogs): remove incorrect Irequest inheriting response types in blog commands by @Godhanded in #358
- chore: delete a filter class changing our controller path by @kenelight4u in #360
- Chore: sync staging to dev by @Godhanded in #359
- merge dev into staging by @alexindevs in #362
- feat: Implement Contact Us endpoint. by @ZEEZKING in #367
- chore: added logs in Forgot Password Handler to aid Debug by @kenelight4u in #366
- chore(product): modified the delete and update product by @Reliable25 in #363
- Synced staging to dev by @Godhanded in #368
- Merging to prod by @alexindevs in #364
New Contributors
- @Aniyikaye-Alabi made their first contribution in #1
- @NdubuisiJr made their first contribution in #2
- @alexindevs made their first contribution in #12
- @daredev0504 made their first contribution in #15
- @harfoh made their first contribution in #17
- @obiMadu made their first contribution in #20
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #35
- @chimaihueze made their first contribution in #51
- @ubongedem78 made their first contribution in #49
- @Godhanded made their first contribution in #90
- @Ace2489 made their first contribution in #95
- @kenelight4u made their first contribution in #98
- @dmendie made their first contribution in #92
- @ZEEZKING made their first contribution in #109
- @Jideco made their first contribution in #120
- @dorisjenny27 made their first contribution in #117
- @droffilc1 made their first contribution in #121
- @Reliable25 made their first contribution in #152
- @Juninhotech made their first contribution in #157
- @AlakaTahir made their first contribution in #160
- @mroluwasesan made their first contribution in #254
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hngprojects/hng_boilerplate_csharp_web/commits/v0.0.1