[Feat] Implement Endpoint for Updating a Comment on a Blog #432
10 warnings
Build Application:
src/Hng.Infrastructure/Migrations/20240810172648_add to product.cs#L9
The type name 'addtoproduct' only contains lower-cased ascii characters. Such names may become reserved for the language.
Build Application:
src/Hng.Infrastructure/Migrations/20240810172648_add to product.Designer.cs#L16
The type name 'addtoproduct' only contains lower-cased ascii characters. Such names may become reserved for the language.
Build Application:
The type name 'update' only contains lower-cased ascii characters. Such names may become reserved for the language.
Build Application:
The type name 'update' only contains lower-cased ascii characters. Such names may become reserved for the language.
Build Application:
src/Hng.Infrastructure/Migrations/20240831093552_added squeeze entity.cs#L8
The type name 'addedsqueezeentity' only contains lower-cased ascii characters. Such names may become reserved for the language.
Build Application:
src/Hng.Infrastructure/Migrations/20240831093552_added squeeze entity.Designer.cs#L16
The type name 'addedsqueezeentity' only contains lower-cased ascii characters. Such names may become reserved for the language.
Build Application:
The variable 'ex' is declared but never used
Build Application:
This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.
Build Application:
XML comment has a param tag for 'request', but there is no parameter by that name
Build Application:
Parameter 'id' has no matching param tag in the XML comment for 'JobController.UpdateJob(Guid, UpdateJobDto)' (but other parameters do)