Database used here is MongoDB. Created an Admin Panel to manage the Users and their details.
Prerequisite: 1.Create a virtual environmnet: >>pip3 install virtualenv >>python -m venv my_venv Now as you have created virtual environment, named "my_venv", you need to activate it: >>my_venv\Scripts\activate.bat
2.Install Django: Now in same virtual environment, install django: >>pip install django
3.Install Django Rest Framework: >>pip install djangorestframework
- Install Djongo: Djongo is a SQL to mongodb query transpiler. It translates a SQL query string into a mongoDB query document. As a result, all Django features, models etc work as is. >>pip install djongo
5.Move to our directory using cd or if you are already in it ignore this.
And follow below instructions for model migration and accessing the panel:
To get access to this panel:
- Connect project to mongoDb database i.e. migrate data model:
python makemigrations users python migrate users
- Create a superuser:
python createsuperuser Add your credentials to become superuser.
- Runserver:
python runserver 4.Get admin panel at: You need to add your credential, asked here to get access.