Why hello, there. If you are reading this, chances are you listened to my presentation on the paramiko Python library on 2022-06-14. This repo contains some examples.
In order to try the scripts out, all you need is:
- Python 3.4 or above (recommended: Python 3.10)
- An SSH server you can access (if you're using a modern Linux distribution, it should be part of your distribution).
- An SSH client (by default, this should be installed)
The Python requirements are listed in the requirements.txt, which you can install the following ways:
# python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
- simple-command.py - Execute the given command on the SSH server.
- host-keys.py - Example that demonstrates host key handling
- copy-from-host.py and copy-to-host.py - SFtp file transfer example
- list-files.py - SFtp list files in directory exampke
- greeting-server.py - Server example that greets you when you log in
- echo-subsystem.py - Simple echo server demonstrating SSH subsystems
Each script has a --help option in case the parameters aren't apparent. This is the only documentation for the example scripts.