- demand_score.ipynb: to categorise demand levels for each station, outputs station_with_demand.csv
- distance_matrix.ipynb: recalculates distances between stations in US metric feet, outputs distance_matrix.csv
- station_with_demand.csv: a cleaned dataset of Manhattan trips, with each station classified into a demand level based on binning
- bikeprice.ipynb: to determine the unit value assigned to a bike given a station's trip data and popularity
- first_stage.py: used to draft and test the first stage model
- helpers.py: helper functions used for data input preparation for the first stage model
- first_stage_func.py: actual first stage function used for the final simulation of our model
- This stage was dependent on:
- station_with_demand.csv
- avg_ride_count_per_week_weather.csv: a csv generated from weather_demand.ipynb. It contains the average ride count per week in autumn based off of various weather conditions (normal, sunny, cloudy, rainy)
- daily_ride_count_by_weather.csv: a csv generated from weather_demand.ipynb. It contains the average ride count daily in autumn based off of various weather conditions (normal, sunny, cloudy, rainy)
- weather_demand.ipynb: a Jupyter notebook that wrangles the 2023 citibike tripdata and 2023 NYC weather data to classify bike trips in Manhattan based off on weather conditions
- second_stage_v2.ipynb: used to draft and test the second stage model
- second_stage_func.py: actual second stage function used for the final simulation of our model
- This stage was dependent on:
- distance_matrix.csv
- station_with_demand.csv
- simulation.ipynb: full simulation file
This is dependent on:
- first_stage_func.py: function format for first_stage.py
- second_stage_func.py: function format for second_stage_v2.ipynb
All other files were used for intermediary steps or drafting to derive values for our analysis.