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My Scheduler App

A full-stack scheduling application that helps users efficiently plan their time by automatically organizing tasks based on priorities, deadlines, and available time slots.


This project is a web-based evolution of the scheduling algorithm originally created by Andrew Roe in quick-sched. While the original project was a Java CLI application, this implementation will provide a full web interface and additional features using modern development practices.

Tech Stack


  • ASP.NET Core Web API
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Domain driven design, CQRS pattern, Clean (Onion) Architecture


  • Angular


  • Automatic task scheduling based on:
    • Task priority
    • Deadlines
    • Duration
    • Available time slots
  • Smart conflict resolution
  • [More soon]

Project Installation Guide


  • .NET Core SDK 8.11
  • Node.js ≥18.19.1 (recommended: 22.0.0)
  • Angular CLI 19.x (npm install -g @angular/cli@19)
  • SQL Server

Backend Setup

1. Database Configuration

  1. Navigate to the backend directory:

    cd backend/src/Api
  2. Create environment configuration:

    • Copy Sample.env to create a new .env file
    • Update the database connection string in .env according to your SQL Server setup

2. Starting the Backend

  1. Ensure your SQL Server instance is running and accessible

  2. From the src/Api directory, start the application:

    dotnet run

    Note: Database migrations will be applied automatically on startup

  3. Verify the backend is running:

Frontend Setup

1. Installing Dependencies

  1. Navigate to the frontend directory:

    cd frontend
  2. Install required packages:

    npm install

2. Starting the Frontend

  1. Start the development server:

    ng serve
  2. Access the application:

Project Architecture

This project follows Clean Architecture principles with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) concepts, organized into bounded contexts. The architecture is structured into several distinct layers, each with a specific responsibility:


API Layer

  • Entry point for all external requests
  • Handles HTTP requests/responses
  • Manages routing and basic request validation

Application Layer

  • Orchestrates flow between API and Domain layers
  • Contains application-specific business rules
  • Implements use cases and application services
  • Manages DTOs and interface contracts

Domain Layer

  • Heart of the business logic
  • Contains domain entities, value objects, and domain events
  • Implements core business rules and domain logic
  • Completely independent of other layers

Infrastructure Layer

  • Contains concrete implementations of repository interfaces
  • Implements UnitOfWork pattern
  • Manages database context and migrations

Bounded Contexts

The application is divided into two main bounded contexts:

Calendar Context

  • Manages calendar-related operations
  • Handles working days, time slots, and calendar items
  • Manages calendar-specific business rules

Scheduling Context

  • Handles task scheduling and management
  • Implements scheduling algorithms and priority handling
  • Manages task-related operations and states

Each context maintains its own set of models, services, and repositories across all layers, ensuring proper separation of concerns and maintainability.
