This bot can provide you Truecaller and Smsbomber features using api requests
Made using python_telegram_bot
You can Install requirements using
pip install -r requirements.txt
To get you bot Api Key
Go to Telegram app and search '@BotFather'
Click on /newbot
Give your bot a name and a username and your Done!
Paste that api key in line 12 and run the script.
To make your Bot run 24/7. You can host your bot on Heroku
You can use this bot with and without webhooks
The Procfile for Normal version of the bot should be.
worker: python
- Create a webhook with link below{ your api key }/setwebhook?url=https://{ your heroku app name }
You will see a success message saying webhook was setup
Go to and add your api key at line 13 and your heroku app name at line 124
web: python
For the webhook version you need to scale your dynos
heroku ps:scale web=1 -a your_heroku_app_name